PouchDB — Installation and Features

Fatih Yıldızlı
Kariyer.net Tech
Published in
3 min readOct 13, 2018
( Source: https://pouchdb.com)

PouchDB is an in-browser database that admits applications to save data locally.

PouchDB is an open-source JavaScript database. This database stokepiles documents in JSON format.

PouchDB acquiesces you to create, read, update, delete your document by Javascript API.

Browser Support:

PouchDB supports all modern browsers, using IndexedDB under the hood and falling back to WebSQL where IndexedDB isn’t supported.

PouchDB — the in-browser database

Storing data in a web application couldn’t be simpler. Get PouchDB into your web page’s code by whichever means you favor, and then write some JavaScript as below:

var db = new PouchDB('medium');
var doc = {
author: 'fatih',
post: 'pouchdb',
date: '2018-10-14',
verified: true
db.put(doc); // Create a new document

If you want to read all documents , you’ll write this js code.


Queries& Functionalities: lots more.

Web Browser view : Developer Tools →Application →IndexedDB →by-sequence

— Installation —

Client side :

Add in your index.html file.

<script src="//cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/pouchdb@7.0.0/dist/pouchdb.min.js"></script>

Install PouchDB Server


PouchDB — the HTTP server

If you want to pace PouchDB as if it were an Apache CouchDB service, with HTTP API, dashboard, and all, then you’re only a couple of commands away:

npm install -g pouchdb-server
npm install -g pouchdb-server

Set a local Port number

> pouchdb-server — port 5000

set a local port number

Then visit in your any browser to see this GUI.

Local Pouchdb server port

Accessing PouchDB Server GUI

You can admittance “” to see the complete GUI of PouchDB.


  • Cross-Browser
  • Lightweight
  • Easy to learn
  • Opensource


  • PouchDB is extremelly fast because it inhabits inside the browser and there is no need to perform queries over the network.
  • PouchDB facilitates you to integrate the data with any of the supported server that’s why your app can run both online and offline.






Thanks Erdogan Oksuz ;)

