noBS Learning: Random Forest exercise

Anupam vashist
Karma and Eggs
Published in
6 min readMay 16, 2018

First, we need some data. To use a realistic example, I retrieved weather data for Seattle, WA from 2016 using the NOAA Climate Data Online tool. Generally, about 80% of the time spent in data analysis is cleaning and retrieving data, but this workload can be reduced by finding high-quality data sources. The NOAA tool is surprisingly easy to use and temperature data can be downloaded as clean csv files which can be parsed in languages such as Python or R. The complete data file is available for download .

The following Python code loads in the csv data and displays the structure of the data:

import pandas as pddata = pd.read_csv('temps.csv')

Following are explanations of the columns:

year: 2016 for all data points

month: number for month of the year

day: number for day of the year

week: day of the week as a character string

temp_2: max temperature 2 days prior

temp_1: max temperature 1 day prior

average: historical average max temperature

actual: max temperature measurement

friend: your friend’s prediction, a random number between 20 below the average and 20 above the average

Remaining Forecast columns are the ones we don’t need for our model here.

Looking at the dimensions of the data, we notice only there are only 348 rows, and there were 366 days in 2016. Missing data can impact an analysis as can incorrect data or outliers. In this case, the missing data will not have a large effect, and the data quality is good because of the source. We also can see there are nine columns which represent eight features and the one target (‘actual’).

Let’s take a peek at our summary statistics.

Data Preparation

Unfortunately, we aren’t quite at the point where you can just feed raw data into a model and have it return an answer (although people are working on this)! We will need to do some minor modification to put our data into machine-understandable terms. We will use the Python library Pandas for our data manipulation relying, on the structure known as a dataframe, which is basically an excel spreadsheet with rows and columns.

The exact steps for preparation of the data will depend on the model used and the data gathered, but some amount of data manipulation will be required for any machine learning application.

One-Hot Encoding

The first step for us is known as one-hot encoding of the data. This process takes categorical variables, such as days of the week and converts it to a numerical representation without an arbitrary ordering. Days of the week are intuitive to us because we use them all the time. You will (hopefully) never find anyone who doesn’t know that ‘Mon’ refers to the first day of the workweek, but machines do not have any intuitive knowledge. What computers know is numbers and for machine learning we must accommodate them. We could simply map days of the week to numbers 1–7, but this might lead to the algorithm placing more importance on Sunday because it has a higher numerical value. Instead, we change the single column of weekdays into seven columns of binary data. This is best illustrated pictorially. One hot encoding takes this:

and turns it into

So, if a data point is a Wednesday, it will have a 1 in the Wednesday column and a 0 in all other columns. This process can be done in pandas in a single line!

The shape of our data is now 349 x 14 and all of the column are numbers, just the way we want!

Training and Testing Sets

There is one final step of data preparation: splitting data into training and testing sets.

The following code splits the data sets with another single line:

It looks as if everything is in order!

Establish Baseline

Before we can make and evaluate predictions, we need to establish a baseline, a sensible measure that we hope to beat with our model. If our model cannot improve upon the baseline, then it will be a failure and we should try a different model or admit that machine learning is not right for our problem. The baseline prediction for our case can be the historical max temperature averages. In other words, our baseline is the error we would get if we simply predicted the average max temperature for all days.

Now, if our model beats an average error of 4.5 degrees, then we need to rethink our approach.

Train Model

After all the work of data preparation, creating and training the model is pretty simple using Scikit-learn. We import the random forest regression model from skicit-learn, instantiate the model, and fit (scikit-learn’s name for training) the model on the training data. (Again setting the random state for reproducible results). This entire process is only 3 lines in scikit-learn!

Make Predictions on the Test Set

Our model has now been trained to learn the relationships between the features and the targets. The next step is figuring out how good the model is! To do this we make predictions on the test features. We then compare the predictions to the known answers. When performing regression, we need to make sure to use the absolute error because we expect some of our answers to be low and some to be high. We are interested in how far away our average prediction is from the actual value so we take the absolute value (as we also did when establishing the baseline).

Making predictions with out model is another 1-line command in Skicit-learn.

Our average estimate is off by 3.75 degrees. That is ~1 degree average improvement over the baseline.

That looks pretty normal! Our model has learned how to predict the maximum temperature for the next day in Seattle with 78% accuracy. pretty poor, but we can enhance it by widening our forest.

Variable Importances

In order to quantify the usefulness of all the variables in the entire random forest, we can look at the relative importances of the variables. The importances returned in Skicit-learn represent how much including a particular variable improves the prediction. The actual calculation of the importance is beyond the scope of this post, but we can use the numbers to make relative comparisons between variables.

At the top of the list is temp_1, the max temperature of the day before. This tells us the best predictor of the max temperature for a day is the max temperature of the day before, a rather intuitive finding. The second most important factor is the historical average max temperature, also not that surprising. Your friend turns out to not be very helpful, along with the day of the week, the year, the month, and the temperature 2 days prior. These importances all make sense as we would not expect the day of the week to be a predictor of maximum temperature as it has nothing to do with weather. Moreover, the year is the same for all data points and hence provides us with no information for predicting the max temperature.

It is an exercise to use only the important features and run our model again. Let’s see what accuracy we achieve. you should aim for an accuracy above 90%.

Good luck!

