You have to read it once and think about everything twice

Anupam vashist
Karma and Eggs
Published in
2 min readJun 14, 2020

It’s not a problem until it is a problem.

If you imagine “nothing”, it’s still something being imagined-
If you don’t imagine anything, “nothing” is being imagined (maybe subconsciously).
How do you imagine/perceive "Nothing" consciously?

The way of just doing the things with intuition, without holding any intentions around it, is the way to live with the one.

By flowing with the river and not clinging to the riverbanks.

Man: But these riverbanks are small pieces of heaven. We could cling to them happily.

Voice: What’s the point if the river is endless and there are as many banks you can think of? There is way too much out there for you to cling.

Man: Who am i?

Voice: I am you.

We are.


Man: Who are we?

Voice: What’s the point?

Man: Just like that. If i wanted to know for a greater gain of "some" knowledge?

Voice: Then you would be "wanting". what do you want?

Man: I want power. I want wisdom. I want a good life. I want an amazing life where miracles happen all the time. and we get what we want.

Voice: You already have seen as many amazing lives as you can imagine. and all the shitty ones as well. In fact you are having many currently. what’s the point?

Man: Why not want all of them to be amazing?

Voice: Whats the point if this goes on forever? miracles forever is simply something forever. Not miracles anymore.

The virtue of an information is just in being there.

Life is receiving and reacting to information. It’s always there. Even no information is an information.

Man: …

Man: How do you define something that’s not there?

Voice: Defining something is to define what is not that thing. So to define nothing you need to define everything. That gives a nothing the meaning.

And there you create a thought.


“Defining nothing simply clutches to an attempt to "define". that’s still something. That provokes actions and thoughts.
To imagine nothing, one has to come from nothing. Either imagine losing the ego or else expanding the consciousness to the limit that provokes a state of wilful inaction- because there’s no need to act- you are the act. you just ARE”

But the point is, what’s the point?

