CTO from MOEX. Welcome, Dan!

Karma Project
Published in
1 min readMar 3, 2018

Dear friends,
we have a great news!

Now we officially have a new chief technical officer (CTO): Dan Svinarchuk. He was working at the Moscow Exchange (MOEX) for more than 20 years. MOEX is the main licensed fiat exchange in Russia. Dan was the part of the core technical team, which created the first version of the MOEX trading application and made all significant updates during the decades.

Dan is a high-load applications expert. For example, MOEX is able to:

  • Handle more than 1M clicks per second of peak performance.
  • Provide a micro-seconds response rate for the market data API
    (if you store your server in MOEX data center).

Even more: Dan with his team have implemented blockchain-like hash-log for all the MOEX transactions several years before the 2017 crypto-hype.

Dan was our advisor for almost a year, so he’ve had enough time to study the project well, and now he’s ready to rumble.


