Karma Business Results in 2019

Karma Project
Published in
2 min readFeb 27, 2020

Hello, dear friends!
Let’s get through the Karma achievements in 2019. The main points are:

  1. Deals volume was steady growing +43% each month.
  2. We’ve got more than 6 thousand new registered investors.
  3. The average IRR for the investor was 19.6%.
  4. There were more than 100 loan offers, 20+ on the primary market and 80+ on the secondary.
  5. Total AUM has reached north of $1M.
  6. The average investment size per active investor has grown from $500 to $2k.
  7. We’ve turned our unit economy positive: LTV/CAC>3.

We’ve significantly cut down the operational expenses comparing to 2018: from $500k to $150 per quarter. The main reason is simple: the Karma core platform has been delivered in 2018, and our main goal in 2019 was to get closer to the operational profit. We’ve cut down our office rentals almost 3 times, made staffing more efficient, and focused on growing the user base.

Karma has focused on revenues from fees, and it has grown from $1,000 in January to $12,250 in December.

Our team has established an Experts’ Chamber in summer 2017 and one of our goals was to make crowdlending fully legal in Russia. Finally, after all the negotiations with Parliament, a new law has been settled in 2019. According to the law, Karma will have to enter the Central Bank ledger of the investment platforms in 2020. Our team will be directly reporting to the Central Bank and will become even more transparent.

We’ve made our first offline investors’ meeting in December. Our community is the most important part of the business, and we try to talk to the people as close as possible. We collaborated with our borrowers to deliver more than 130 gifts to the most active investors: flowers, candies, shoes, and fancy gadgets.

Our borrowers’ community is also evolving: some of them have been acquired by bigger enterprises, some of them grown 2–3 times in 2019. We’re glad to be a part of this growth, helping entrepreneurs to strive and investors to earn.

Hope you also got a great year 2019!

We remind you that we’re on the last stage of the token conversion. If someone wants to swap utility tokens to security tokens, or to exchange BTC to security tokens, check this page: https://stip.tokenomica.com/company/karma

Cheers ˆ_ˆ

Karma team

