Karma Enters Global Market: KYC Now Available For The Foreign Citizens

Karma Project
Published in
2 min readApr 9, 2019

Hello, dear friends!

Foreign Investors Allowed

Finally, a citizen of any country can pass the KYC on our platform and become an accredited investor.

We’ve connected popular KYC and AML provider — The Sumsub company. They provide a standard KYC procedure: one just need to add a passport photo/ID/drivers license photo and selfie with this document.

There are also important rules for our Korean friends

After passing the KYC investor can join any existing loan offer on the Market.

For the moment we start to work with foreign investors who have accounts in Russian banks or in Rubles in local banks. Plus, we're now integrating with an international payment system to allow any investor to join our platform from any banking account or a credit card.

Automatic accreditation for the Russian investors

We've developed a scoring system which automatically check investors' data. It helps to reduce the average moderation time to 1 min.

Notifications about virtual account updates

You always can control any incomes on your virtual account, such as payout amount, new deposits etc. Email and SMS notifications will make you aware of any operations with your balance.

“Zero commission” offer for investors extended till the end of June

The amount of new Karma investors is increasing on a daily basis. We are really happy that the majority of investors is staying with us and reinvesting more after receiving their first income.
We're working on attracting new investors also. That’s why we decided not to charge platform’s commission from all investors till the end of June.

Withdrawal fees

We’ve paid banking fees for any operations by ourself for a long time, but as the amount of users is growing, we have start charging a small fee of 50 RUB for every virtual account withdrawal.


