Karma Progress: Public Investors Have Started Gaining The Profits And More

Karma Project
Published in
2 min readJan 22, 2019

Hello, dear friends!

First investor’s incomes

Our early investors on the platform have already received their first yield. The process is very simple, you just enter bank account details in special form and after monthly get notification from bank about new income. We’ve connected autoсomplete — Bank details fill in automatically when you just start to type.

Notification emails

We’ve set notification emails, so now our users will receive information about all important actions on the platform: his or her committed investments, status of the order, accreditation, etc.

Anonymous market

In Russian version now even not registered users could see all the orders. We are sure that nobody could resist against these seducing interest rates. And we see the result: in recent days we’ve got 66 new users.


A cession is a contract whereby a lender assigns to some investors a part of their rights for a loan. In simple words: on Karma platform we are going to present also secondary market.

Why it is good?

  1. More attractive orders: some borrowers need money as soon as possible and not going to wait several weeks or month while crowdlending process will be conducted. In this case Karma (or other whale investors) could lend to order and after assign the rights (by placing this order on the Market) to another investors with discount.
  2. More opportunities for professional investors. They can not only invest but also assign the rights with higher discount. For the moment only Karma can use cession, but full secondary market we are going to launch this year.
  3. More secure for inexperienced investors. For the first time, it’s easier to invest in projects under cession, because you can see the history of the previous payments. Moreover, Karma lends its own funds to such projects, it means we really trust in it!
  4. Shorter term of investment. Projects under cessions usually have shorter loan term. It means, that investor can receive money back in a couple of months.
  5. More flexible investments. Cession lays foundation for secondary market, it means that investors’ll be able to close the deal and assign the rights at any point. They don’t need to wait till the end of the contract.


