September 10–21 Karma Progress. Powerful Bids and Scoring Ratings

Karma Project
Published in
3 min readSep 26, 2018

Hello, dear friends!

We are happy to present new features we have delivered:

Adding pictures

Now you can make your bid even more attractive for potential investors! After all, your very idea, impression and passion determines investment decision, not only numbers.

From now forward you could attach photos and change their order while you are creating a bid.

So, what is your story?

Look, how colorful the bids are now!

In order to simplify your work with documents we added multifile upload.

We created our own multifactorial complicated CMS-system (“Backoffice”) where scoring specialists could analyze information and interact with platform participants in the most comfortable way. Now we’ve made the reason of rejection visible.

For example, if borrower didn’t present all the necessary data (or we have some additional questions), he or she will see what exactly needs to be corrected. After corrections order must be verified again and opportunity to edit any information inside will be restricted during scoring.

Every time before an order will be placed on the market, scoring specialist will evaluate it and put the special ranking separately for borrower and separately for collateral.

We use crosswise evaluation based on the most relevant databases:

•Federal Migration Service;

•Database of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, Unified State Register of Private Entrepreneurs (Federal Tax Service);

•Real estate database of Rosreestr (The Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography);

•Federal Bailiff Service;

•Federal Tax Service;

•Federal Service for Financial Monitoring;

•Unified Federal Register of Data on Bankruptcy;

•Unified information system of Government procurement;

• Automobile Inspection Service (STSI);

•Credit reference bureau (3 largest bureaus: NBKI, Equifax, OKB);

•Etc. (more than 20 databases).

In next publications we will provide full description of the the rating criteria, stay tuned!

Cheers ^_^

