A Labor of Love

Karmic Bikes
Published in
2 min readSep 6, 2016

I took the day off yesterday. I actually slept in until 10am! I hadn’t done that in over 20 years. In college I would regularly stay up late and sleep in late (missing my 9am lectures). My excuse was that I was a teenager with terrible time-management skills. In some ways, my schedule hasn’t changed.

I stay up late most nights to work on anything and everything Karmic. Most nights I’m talking to our partners in Asia. Our Sunday night is their Monday morning, and we always try to start the week off right. Other nights it’s working through my Pocket queue, reading about bicycling, logistics, global-warming, transportation and cities. I’ve still got 455 articles left to go.

Lots of late nights ahead, but I wouldn’t want it any other way.

September 5th is the renewal date for our domain. It’s an annual reminder of when we started karmicbikes.com and why we continue to work on it. I talk about it a bit more in this video:

But as I’ve said before, Passion Doesn’t Pay. You have to find the sweet spot in-between the three circles. I think I’ve found it by building bikes.

Your life’s work should be both meaningful and final. When we find what we’re supposed to be doing — what we were born to do — there’s really nothing else to worry about is there? I hope you find your spot too.



Karmic Bikes

Founder of @KarmicBikes. Former Mentor at @500Startups and Thiel Foundation’s @20Under20. I’ve hired a lot of people.