This is My America

Karmic Bikes
Published in
3 min readJan 29, 2017

and I can’t stand it anymore.

I’ve been reluctant to post anything controversial on our company blog. Sure, I’ve made some pretty strong statements under my own personal blog, but I wanted to keep the Karmic Bikes Klog neutral, like Switzerland.

I can no longer do that. This new administration has already shown its true colors in just the first few days. These next few years will not go well. The latest executive order to limit immigration from certain countries, and even to legal-resident green card holders is simply un-American. I must speak up.

I’m speaking up as an immigrant, as a refugee, a long-time green card holder, and a naturalized American. I am a proud American and I don’t take it for granted, as many of my fellow citizens seem to do. It isn’t just a birthright, it is something earned. The problem is people forget this when they didn’t earn it themselves. How can any American be against immigration? Are we not descendants of immigrants ourselves? Only a small number of Americans can call themselves native sons and daughters of this land. They are the ones fighting the big oil companies, while our government continues to destroy their land, their lives and desecrate their ancestors. Who stands with them? We all must stand up for what is right.

America is better than this. Or so we had hoped. If you voted for him, I imagine that you’re filled with regret. I hope you can admit you’ve made a terrible mistake. You aren’t racist, misogynist or xenophobic. You are a good person. You just wanted your life to be better right? That’s understandable. Everyone wants that. But if you continue to applaud and support this tyrant as he tears down this country, then you should be ashamed of yourself. This is not your America. This is My America. This is not a country for old men, filled with hatred and out for revenge, to get payback for perceived wrongs done by The Others. This is a nation of immigrants, of builders, of dreamers. You can’t rewrite history and build walls to protect yourself from your own perverse alternative version of the past. You will ultimately be relegated to a page in our children’s history books. The enemy within. The evil emperor defeated by the power of We The People. You will not destroy my country. We will not let that happen. We will fight you every step of the way.

I started Karmic to make the world a better place. Yes, that’s a contrite startup cliche, but have you seen any mean, grumpy, hateful, spiteful people riding a bike? Everyone knows there are two sides to the karma coin. If we don’t speak up, our silence will mean our complicit agreement with the evil empire. You know it’s wrong. Even Darth Vader thinks this has gone too far.

I know people don’t want to mix business with politics, but this goes well beyond that. We don’t just make ebikes for Americans. Karmic makes modern electric bicycles for the human race. This is about our humanity. Other Founders and Presidents of bigger bike brands will likely stay silent on this issue. They don’t want to offend their core “Made in America” audience. Never mind the fact that 90–100% of their bikes and products are made in Asia. That’s another post for another day. Today I want to ask my fellow Americans to do what they know deep in their hearts and minds is right.

Let’s be true Americans. Let’s live up to that name. Let’s help those who need it most. Let’s stand up against injustice. Let’s be our better selves.





Karmic Bikes

Founder of @KarmicBikes. Former Mentor at @500Startups and Thiel Foundation’s @20Under20. I’ve hired a lot of people.