Now that you learned how to code, how to build an application? — Part 1

Karuna Sehgal
Karuna Sehgal
Published in
2 min readApr 4, 2018

After learning how to code in Ruby and JavaScript, I wanted to figure out how to create a web application. What are the steps that are involved before I write a single line of code? This blogpost will cover the steps one can use before creating a web application particularly about conceptualizing an idea before the design and development process.

Build something that you are passionate about

Ask yourself what do you care about or what do you like to do, as interest is the best way to keep yourself motivated. Think about apps that you like or can’t live with out. Determine your interests, so that way you will be working on something you will enjoy and are less like to give up halfway.

Select an Idea

Based on your interests, come up with a concept for a simple app that will do something awesome. It doesn’t matter if the app already exists. In fact it might help you if you come across similar projects which already exist.

Once you select an idea, write down the purpose of the application and the most targeted users for this application.

Think about the Core Functionalities

Think about what your app should be able to do and write them down. If you end up listing a bunch of things, take a better look and ask yourself if this app really needs each thing. Take a look at the list of functions you’ve made, and if it’s too long, start crossing out functionalities your app can work without. No app is ever complete, and everything starts out simple and in small iterations.

The purpose behind this blogpost was cover some of the decisions a developer has to make when it comes to conceptualizing a simple app from scratch, especially when one has recently learned to how to code and wants to build their first app. In the next blogpost, I will talk more about the design process. Thank you for reading this blogpost.



Karuna Sehgal
Karuna Sehgal

Woman on a mission - to live the best life possible!!