A Guide To Clean Renewable Energy Sources

Gantig Bayarmagnai
Published in
3 min readJan 9, 2020

The topic of ecology is very relevant today and we should definitely turn our attention to alternative energy sources. They are part of the planet’s physical structure, which means they are constantly being renewed by natural means. Here’re some clean energy sources that can help our world go green:

  1. Solar Energy

Sunlight is a renewable resource, and its most direct use is achieved by capturing the sun’s energy. A variety of solar energy technologies are used to convert the sun’s energy and light into heat: illumination, hot water, electricity and cooling systems for businesses and industry.

  1. Capturing the Wind

Wind flow can be captured by wind turbines and converted into electricity. On a smaller scale, windmills are still used today to pump water on farms. Single-wind turbines can generate electricity to supplement an existing electrical supply.

  1. Geothermal: Power from the Earth

Geothermal energy is derived from the heat of the earth. This heat can be sourced close to the surface or from heated rock and reservoirs of hot water miles beneath our feet. On a much smaller scale, a geothermal heat pump system can leverage the constant temperature of the ground found just 10 feet under the surface to help supply heat to a nearby building in the winter or to help cool it in the summer.

  1. From Waterwheels to Hydroelectricity

Today, the kinetic energy of flowing rivers is captured and converted into hydroelectricity. The most familiar type of hydroelectric power is generated by a system where dams are constructed to store water in a reservoir which, when released, flows through turbines to produce electricity. “Pumped-storage hydropower,” where water is cycled between lower and upper reservoirs to control electricity generation between times of low and peak demand. “Run-of-river hydropower,” funnels a portion of river flow through a channel and does not require a dam.

  1. Power from the Ocean

Ocean thermal energy from the sun’s heat can be converted into electricity using a few different systems that rely on warm surface water temperatures. “Ocean mechanical energy” from the motion of tides and waves harnesses the ebbs and flows of tides caused by the rotation of the earth and the gravitational influence of the moon. Energy from wind-driven waves can also be converted and used to help reduce one’s electricity costs.

Utilizing Mongolia for its natural resources, land, and over 300 sunny days per year, Karvuon LLC is planning to construct a wide variety of energy-producing plants where renewable sources will be the target. With a JORC-confirmed 327 million tons of coal deposits, Karvuon LLC plans to start with this traditional energy source in order to construct and operate an industrial park in central Mongolia. Our goal includes:

  • A coal-powered 200MW power plant
  • A solar farm
  • A wind farm
  • A crypto mining facility with a capacity of up to 500,000 mining machines

TWITTER: Utilizing #Mongolia for its #natural #resources, land, and over 300 sunny days per year, #Karvuon LLC is planning to construct a wide variety of #energy-producing plants where #renewable sources will be the target.

