The Chromatic Symphony of Kaspa

Unraveling Tokenomics and Emission Schedule

The Beginners Block
Kaspa Currency
4 min readJul 10, 2023


In the dynamic world of cryptocurrencies, understanding tokenomics is crucial for investors and enthusiasts alike. It provides insights into the supply, distribution, and monetary policy of a digital asset, shedding light on its long-term sustainability and potential. In the case of Kaspa, an innovative blockchain project, its tokenomics are designed to ensure a controlled and gradual emission of its native currency, KAS. Let’s take a deep dive into the tokenomics of Kaspa and explore its emission schedule.

To comprehend the tokenomics of Kaspa, we must first examine its total supply. Kaspa’s total supply is fixed at approximately 28.7 billion KAS, and will never increase or decrease. This fixed supply ensures scarcity and value preservation, fostering an environment of stability for the ecosystem.

Now, let’s unravel the monetary policy of Kaspa, which is characterized by two distinct phases. The first phase, known as the pre-deflationary phase, commenced at the mainnet start on November 7, 2021, and concluded on May 8, 2022. During this phase, the block reward was initially randomized, ranging from 1 to 1000 KAS per block for the first two weeks. However, at the first hardfork, the reward transitioned to a constant rate of 500 KAS per second, equivalent to 500 KAS per block, as the block rate stood at 1 block per second. This stable reward phase lasted for six months, ensuring a consistent and predictable emission rate.

Following the pre-deflationary phase, Kaspa entered the chromatic phase, which is the current stage of its monetary policy. In this phase, block rewards undergo geometric reduction over time, Kaspa’s emissions go off time and not per block like other coins, so in turn you earn rewards per second not per block. The initial block reward was set at 440 KAS, and it halves annually in a smooth and controlled manner. Each month, the block reward decreases by a factor of (1/2)^(1/12), similar to the ratio of frequencies between two consecutive semitones in a tempered chromatic scale. In simpler terms, Kaspa has halves every year but at a monthly rate, and after 12 months it makes on complete halving. This gradual reduction ensures a measured emission schedule, allowing the ecosystem to adapt and evolve.

Let’s examine some numerical projections based on the current emission schedule. By January 1, 2023, approximately 15.3 billion KAS, representing 53.3% of the total supply, will have been mined. By January 1, 2024, this figure is expected to increase to around 21.9 billion KAS, reaching 76.3% of the total supply. By January 1, 2025, approximately 25.1 billion KAS, accounting for 87.4% of the total supply, will have been mined. It is estimated that by July 10, 2026, nearly 95% of all KAS will have been minted.

The emission schedule also provides insights into the longevity of the mining process. It is projected to take approximately 36 years from the mainnet start for the block reward to fall below 1 unit (similar to a satoshi but hasn't officially been named yet) of Kaspa, effectively reaching zero reward. However, it’s important to note that if the block rate were to change in the future, the reward would be adjusted accordingly to maintain the same emission rate. For example, if a block rate of 32 BPS (blocks per second) were established, the zero-reward date would be 31 years from the mainnet start.

While the emission schedule is well-defined, it’s worth mentioning that slight variations in the total emission may occur due to factors such as the DAA (Difficulty Adjustment Algorithm) score calculation and parallel block creation within the Kaspa network. These variations, however, have a minimal impact on the overall emission, likely in the range of tens of thousands of KAS.

In conclusion, the tokenomics of Kaspa present a carefully designed framework to ensure a controlled and gradual emission of KAS. The fixed supply, combined with a measured reduction in block rewards, fosters scarcity and value preservation. As Kaspa continues to evolve and fulfill its vision of revolutionizing the blockchain landscape, understanding its tokenomics provides a roadmap for investors and enthusiasts alike.

So, join the symphony of Kaspa and witness the harmonious interplay of innovation, stability, and controlled emission. Let’s embrace this transformative journey, where the melody of blockchain technology and thoughtful tokenomics orchestrates a future of endless possibilities.

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The Beginners Block
Kaspa Currency

Crypto/Blockchain Enthusiast And Investor. Founder/Writer of The Beginners Block and the Kaspa Medium