2020 Presidential Election: Is Joe Biden Fit to Serve?

Bryan Wacha
Published in
4 min readOct 13, 2020

With President Donald Trump back in the White House following his recovery from Covid-19, many have questioned his health as a cause of concern. Critics have questioned if President Trump has been fit to serve since he was first elected back in 2016. However, I find Joe Biden’s lack of awareness and reoccurring blunders on the campaign trail to be more of a concern for the American people. Voters will either get another four years of the democratic left trying to play the political games of diminishing President Trump’s reputation and achievements or they will get a 77-year-old man who the political left will use as a puppet to run the country.

I use this “puppet” phrase because I fear Democrats could use Joe Biden as the face of their party while orchestrating their far-left agenda. Over the past 12 months while Biden has been campaigning for the upcoming election he has continued to make gaffe after gaffe in his public appearances. One of his earliest gaffes came in August of 2019 when he was on the campaign trail in New Hampshire. “I’ve been here a number of times… I love this place,” Biden said. “What’s not to like about Vermont?”

As a voter who is concerned with the well-being of this country, I cannot cast my vote for a candidate who does not even know the state he is campaigning in, and I cannot believe that other Americans will continue to support him.

This wasn’t the only instance of Biden having a hiccup in front of the camera. On the Democratic debate stage shortly after his New Hampshire/Vermont mistake, he tried backing up his argument about how wealthier children had more opportunities in American than poorer children. He closed his argument by fumbling his words and eventually spitting out, “Parents should play the radio. Make sure the television, excuse me, make sure you have the record player on at night. The… the phone, make sure the kids hear words.” This quote shows the deteriorating mind of Biden.

There have also been instances of Biden confusing people for others. For example, after his victorious Super Tuesday speech he introduced his sister as his wife and his wife as his sister. Another instance was just after Biden was finishing up an interview with Fox News Host Chris Wallace on “Fox News Sunday”, about Biden’s campaign gaffes, Biden addressed Wallace as “Chuck” referring to NBC host Chuck Todd. Wallace responded with a chuckle and corrected Biden to which Biden responded, “I just did Chuck… I tell you what, man, these are back-to-back. Anyway, I don’t know how you do it early in the morning.” If a potential presidential candidate asks how a news reporter can do his job so “early” in the morning, how can the American people possibly think Joe Biden would be able to run the country, where he may have to deal with much larger issues at much earlier times in the morning than just a simple television interview.

Joe Biden has more recently referred to the US Constitution as “that thing” and when telling a story about visiting Nelson Mandela in South Africa, Biden claimed that he was arrested while trying to meet with Mandela. Of course, the Biden campaign has corrected the misstatement, but my question still stands. Is Joe Biden mentally fit to be the president of the United States?

Since the first modern presidential election in 1900 between William McKinley and William Jennings Bryan, voters, media, and other critics have been quick to diminish a presidential candidate when they speak or act in an odd manner while on the campaign trail. An example of this comes in the 1960 Presidential debate between John F. Kennedy and Richard M. Nixon. It was the first televised Presidential debate and Nixon was shown sweating profusely while Kennedy remained calm and collected. Many political historians attribute Kennedy’s victory in the election later that year to Nixon’s sweating episodes. Voters believed Nixon could not handle high-pressure situations thus giving Kennedy the advantage. How can America see Richard Nixon have too much sweat on his face in a 1960s television broadcast and determine he was unfit to serve, but not bat an eye at Joe Biden and his multiple moments of outrageous statements and think he is still the most capable to serve?

I realize my critics will argue that Joe Biden suffered two brain aneurysms in 1988, is still overcoming a stutter he has had since childhood and has managed to serve the American people for nearly 50 years. According to research, most patients that suffered a brain aneurysm recover after the surgery within three to six weeks. I want my critics to understand that I acknowledge these hardships Joe Biden has overcome, but a brain aneurysm, suffered over 30 years ago, and a consistent pattern of blatant gaffes are not comparable subject matter. Over the past year, Joe Biden has made a new, outlandish gaffe on a monthly, almost weekly, basis as the attention has been on him as the Democratic nominee. With the second debate on the horizon, I ask those voters who are still on the fence to watch Biden closely and look for more gaffes that are likely to come based on his pattern.

