“Triggered” What Does it Really Mean?

Kat OM
Kat OM Life Musings


Kat OM Life Musings —Quick Tips

Photo Credit: Golubovy via Canva

“Triggered” seems like a catchphrase lately. Maybe you’ve seen it lately on social media. Someone responds to someone’s comment and says, “Triggered.” Often the commenter unaware believes “triggered” means the person’s anger is triggered. And they use the word “trigger” to try to further antagonize the person.

Triggered is not a bad word when used in the correct context. It can be used to identify an area that needs healing.

But what does being “triggered” actually mean?

1) To be triggered does mean someone’s anger is triggered. However, anger itself doesn’t come out of nowhere. The anger comes from a core wound. Usually, something that hurt or angered us in the past or from our childhood and we are replaying the anger, hurt, unsafety, insecurity again in our present lives.

2) The commenter doesn’t realize that they are often triggered themselves when they make a comment like that. Some core wound in them is activated as well.

So remember, when you call out someone for being triggered, you are likely triggered yourself.



Kat OM
Kat OM Life Musings

Author, Blogger, Resilient Mindset Coach & Joy Coach. I write about things we should have learned in school that will transform and empower your life.