3 Lies Your Filipino Parents Told You That May Be Stopping You From Growing

Al Cuizon, Jr.
Published in
3 min readAug 25, 2023

The pros, the cons, and everything in between…

Growing up in a Filipino household often comes with a unique set of cultural values and norms passed down from generation to generation.

While these values are rooted in love and concern, there are instances where some of the advice given by Filipino parents might inadvertently hinder personal growth and development.

In this article, we will uncover three common lies that Filipino parents might have told their children, shedding light on how these misconceptions could be preventing individuals from reaching their full potential.

Lie 1: “Stick to the Safe Path”

Many Filipino parents, driven by their desire for their children’s financial stability and security, often emphasize pursuing traditional and stable career paths such as medicine, engineering, or law.

While there’s merit in aiming for job security, the idea that only these professions lead to success can be limiting. This mindset can discourage young individuals from exploring their true passions and pursuing unconventional career choices that align with their talents and interests.

Solution: Encouraging Passion and Adaptability

Parents can empower their children by fostering an environment that encourages open discussions about career choices.

Recognizing that success can be achieved through various paths, parents can help their children discover their passions, strengths, and unique talents.

Encouraging adaptability and resilience equips individuals to thrive in an ever-changing job market, where unconventional career paths can often lead to innovation and fulfillment.

Lie 2: “Put Family Obligations Before Everything”

The strong emphasis on family bonds is a cornerstone of Filipino culture, and while family support is essential, it’s vital to strike a balance between personal aspirations and family obligations.

The belief that one must always prioritize family over personal goals can lead to self-neglect and hinder personal growth.

Solution: Emphasizing Self-Care and Boundaries

To foster personal growth, it’s important for individuals to learn the value of self-care and setting healthy boundaries.

Parents can guide their children in finding ways to contribute to the family while also pursuing their own dreams.

By emphasizing that personal growth benefits both the individual and the family, parents can help their children navigate the delicate balance between familial responsibilities and personal aspirations.

Lie 3: “Failure Is Unacceptable”

Filipino culture often places a significant emphasis on achievements and success, and the fear of failure can be deeply ingrained.

Parents might unintentionally perpetuate the idea that failure is a disgrace and something to be avoided at all costs.

This fear of failure can discourage risk-taking, creativity, and innovation, all of which are essential for personal growth.

Solution: Redefining Failure and Encouraging Resilience

Parents can play a pivotal role in reshaping the perception of failure. By reframing failure as a valuable learning experience and an opportunity for growth, parents can encourage their children to embrace challenges and take calculated risks.

Teaching resilience and perseverance in the face of setbacks equips individuals with the mindset needed to overcome obstacles and continue their journey towards personal development.

While the intentions of Filipino parents are rooted in love and care, some traditional beliefs and advice might inadvertently hinder the personal growth and development of their children.

By addressing these misconceptions and encouraging open-mindedness, parents can create an environment that nurtures individual passions, self-care, and a healthy approach to failure.

Embracing these changes will not only benefit the individuals themselves but also contribute to a more diverse, innovative, and resilient society.



Al Cuizon, Jr.

19-year-old Filipino-American entrepreneur | Focused on helping elevate others through writing | Leading the way for other entrepreneurs to take the first step