Innovative Filipino Future

Al Cuizon, Jr.
Published in
2 min readSep 23, 2023

Being the next wave of Filipino entrepreneurs, combining culture and company…

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Innovation is key for taking communities and nations forward. As Filipinos and Filipino Americans, we have a unique opportunity to shape the future through embodying the creative spirit of our culture.

By combining our innate storytelling gifts, adaptability, family-centric values, and determination, we can unlock groundbreaking solutions and entrepreneurial ventures.

Supporting Filipino Ingenuity

Supporting Filipino ingenuity begins with nurturing imaginative thinking from a young age. Filipino families can play a crucial role in this by encouraging creativity through exposure to the arts, engaging in open-ended games, and allowing children to explore their interests freely. In parallel, schools must emphasize the development of critical analysis and problem-solving skills, creating a solid foundation for future innovation.

Drawing inspiration from our Bayanihan communal culture is another key aspect of fostering ingenuity. Innovation often thrives when individuals collaborate, especially with those from diverse backgrounds and disciplines. By working together, we can leverage different perspectives and experiences to generate groundbreaking ideas.

A fundamental principle in this journey is not fearing failure. Taking risks and learning from mistakes are integral parts of the innovation process. Embracing failure as a stepping stone to success can lead to breakthrough innovations.

Turning Ideas into Action

Turning ideas into action requires a structured approach. Start by researching your market to identify pressing needs and problems worth solving. Look for gaps or opportunities for disruption within your chosen field.

Leveraging available resources is also essential. Tap into local organizations, government programs, and community connections to gain support and access valuable resources.

Remember to start small, act fast, and put yourself out there. The most important step is taking the first one. By combining these principles with a commitment to creativity and collaboration, we can fully embrace and support Filipino ingenuity, turning ideas into impactful actions.

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With vision, initiative, and belief in the brilliance of our culture, Filipinos worldwide can usher in an era of unprecedented innovation. The only limit is our imagination.

By coming together and boldly applying our creativity to address modern challenges, we can build the innovative Filipino future we wish to see. The opportunity is ours to shape.



Al Cuizon, Jr.

19-year-old Filipino-American entrepreneur | Focused on helping elevate others through writing | Leading the way for other entrepreneurs to take the first step