The Entrepreneurial Trinity: Bayanihan, Diskarte, and Tibay Ng Loob

Al Cuizon, Jr.
Published in
4 min readJul 15, 2023

The Trinity Every Filipino Entrepreneur Should Take In By Heart

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In the realm of entrepreneurship, success is not solely determined by business acumen or financial resources. It’s about embracing a set of values that are deeply rooted in Filipino culture.

This article explores three essential pillars — Bayanihan, Diskarte, and Tibay Ng Loob — and how they shape the entrepreneurial journey, fueling the spirit of Filipino entrepreneurs. These values, when harnessed effectively, become a powerful catalyst for innovation, resilience, and community building.

Bayanihan: Fostering a Culture of Collaboration and Support

Photo from the Entrepreneur

In Filipino culture, Bayanihan represents the spirit of communal unity and collective action.

Entrepreneurs who embrace this value recognize the importance of collaboration and understand that they can achieve greater heights when they uplift others. Through partnerships, networking, and mentorship, entrepreneurs can tap into a support system that fuels growth, shares knowledge, and offers guidance during challenging times.

Diskarte: Nurturing Resourcefulness and Creative Problem-Solving

Photo from the Entrepreneur

Diskarte, a term deeply ingrained in Filipino culture, refers to resourcefulness and the ability to find ingenious solutions to complex problems. Filipino entrepreneurs often face constraints, limited resources, and unpredictable circumstances.

It is through their innate “diskarte” that they navigate these challenges and transform them into opportunities. Embracing a mindset of innovation and adaptability allows entrepreneurs to make the most out of their available resources, think outside the box, and find alternative paths to success.

Tibay Ng Loob: Cultivating Resilience and Determination

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Tibay Ng Loob embodies the unwavering spirit, resilience, and inner strength that Filipinos possess. In the entrepreneurial journey, setbacks, failures, and obstacles are inevitable. It is the quality of “tibay ng loob” that enables Filipino entrepreneurs to persevere, learn from their experiences, and keep moving forward.

This resilience helps them bounce back from failures, stay focused on their goals, and maintain a positive mindset even in the face of adversity.

The Synergy of Bayanihan, Diskarte, and Tibay Ng Loob:

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When combined, Bayanihan, Diskarte, and Tibay Ng Loob create a powerful synergy that propels Filipino entrepreneurs to new heights of success. Entrepreneurs who incorporate these values into their business practices find themselves not only building successful ventures but also contributing positively to their communities.

Bayanihan fosters a sense of collaboration, allowing entrepreneurs to leverage the collective strengths of their network. By combining resources, knowledge, and support, they create a nurturing ecosystem that benefits everyone involved.

Diskarte empowers entrepreneurs to be resourceful, finding innovative ways to navigate challenges and seize opportunities. It encourages thinking beyond traditional approaches and embracing creative problem-solving techniques that lead to breakthroughs and differentiation.

Tibay Ng Loob serves as the anchor of Filipino entrepreneurship, providing the mental fortitude to weather storms and stay focused on long-term goals. It reminds entrepreneurs to embrace failures as learning opportunities and remain steadfast in their pursuit of success.

Photo from the Entrepreneur

In the vibrant world of entrepreneurship, embracing the values of Bayanihan, Diskarte, and Tibay Ng Loob is crucial for Filipino entrepreneurs.

These values not only honor our rich cultural heritage but also serve as guiding principles that fuel innovation, resilience, and community building. By fostering a culture of collaboration, resourcefulness, and unwavering determination, Filipino entrepreneurs can make a significant impact, inspire change, and pave the way for a vibrant entrepreneurial ecosystem.

Let us celebrate and embrace these values as we embark on our entrepreneurial journeys, striving for success while staying true to our roots.



Al Cuizon, Jr.

19-year-old Filipino-American entrepreneur | Focused on helping elevate others through writing | Leading the way for other entrepreneurs to take the first step