A Success Story at HighEdWeb: KATANA + Google

Katana Media
Published in
2 min readNov 5, 2018

Every fall Higher Education Web Professionals host an annual HighEdWeb (#heweb) conference to explore the future of digital in higher education. And they sure know how to bring a crowd together — from marketers and developers, to programmers and writers, Sacramento’s Convention Center was filled with an international crowd worth noting.

KATANA had a unique opportunity to co-sponsor the HighEdWeb conference with Google this year. It was quite exciting to have both KATANA and Google at a booth together engaging attendees in a much-needed discussion about technological advancements like Machine Learning and A.I. and how marketers and advertisers can predict consumer needs more accurately.

The key to KATANA’s success has been the utilization of data — shifting focus from traditional high volume lead generation to high value lead generation. KATANA’s predictive digital marketing drives student intelligence by utilizing business data and algorithms to recognize patterns and optimize campaigns for positive student ROI.

As a long time higher education marketer, KATANA is no stranger to the many unique digital issues that face colleges and universities. The higher education industry has seen some very dramatic changes in recent years because of its rapidly changing landscape.

86% of prospective students cite the internet as the most important resource during their research stage, forcing higher education marketers to be present during key prospecting and decision making moments online.

Strategic use of digital marketing channels is critical to driving enrollment for higher education institutions given that online searches are the starting point for most students as they research degree programs. The path to conversion within the higher education industry is long, and most leads do not become enrollments — which is why “enrollments” is the only metric that truly matters.

Much of the HighEdWeb audience was quite engaged, as many universities and colleges fall short on digital marketing strategies to keep up with enrollment goals. Even if digital marketing is in place, strategies and technologies change quickly and often become obsolete by the time marketing teams research and implement them.

HighEdWeb recently announced its #heweb19 conference in Milwaukee next fall and both KATANA and Google are excited to continue this discussion again next year.


KATANA offers sophisticated solutions that generate results-driven marketing. Our elite team of digital media and technology experts bring campaign solutions to life, providing data-driven, sustainable and high-converting paid media campaigns powered by Machine Learning, for enterprise marketers and agencies.

Find out more about KATANA and how their innovative solutions can help your brand or agency reach your target audience here.

Originally published at .



Katana Media

Our team of digital media and technology experts brings campaign solutions to life, providing smart, sustainable and high-converting, paid media campaigns.