Digital Ads

Kate Streip
Kate Streip
Published in
3 min readJan 18, 2018

Perhaps my favorite place to nerd out in marketing is digital ads. They have become a business necessity.

My philosophy is to test everything, spend as little as possible to learn what works, and then go all in once ads are performing in an optimal way. I run week-long tests until I’ve honed in on the language and images that get clicks, and then start tweaking to get even better results.

Facebook Ads

Over 1 billion people are active on Facebook. 1 billion. Facebook Ads give businesses the opportunity to get in front of very specific, curated audiences. Are you trying to get your message in front of animal lovers in Tallahassee? Soccer Moms Nationwide? Potential clients in a specific zip code? Facebook Ads allow that specificity, and achieve excellent and cost-effective results

Google AdWords

Search Ads

Google Search Ads allow your organization to shoot to the top of Google results when certain keywords are used. For example, if you have a children’s gymnastics studio in Cookeville, you’ll want to make sure your ad is ranking at the top when a potential client googles “gymnastics classes in cookeville.” With a focus on keywords and language that converts, we’ll create and optimize search ads to get potential customers to your site.

Display Ads

A different version of Google Ads, display ads allow you to show off a captivating image or product. Depending on the business, these can be very effective. Some other Google Ad options include:

  • Shopping Ads
  • Video Ads
  • Remarketing


Though Facebook Ads and Google AdWords are businesses’ bread and butter, there are other platforms that might fit your business needs and perform very well. I have experience implementing:

  • Pinterest Ads
  • LinkedIn Ads
  • Twitter Ads
  • Instagram Ads
  • Taboola and Outbrain Content Ads
  • Influencer Campaigns
  • Programmatic Advertising
  • YouTube Ads


There’s no point in running amazing ads if you’re not tracking their results. My full analytics breakdown provides weekly data on ads, web traffic, blog readership, social media, email marketing, conversions, and any other metrics applicable to your business.

Through Google Analytics, each ad platform, and my custom reports, I’m able to provide you with data so that you’re making sound business decisions.

Ready to run some ads? Email Kate:



Kate Streip
Kate Streip

Digital Marketer, Writer, Chattanoogan, Data Nerd, Bookworm.