Kathryn Harrington: Why I support Christina Stephenson for HD 33

Chair Harrington and Christina Stephenson

Now more than ever we need partners at the state level who will give the people of Washington County the voice they deserve in the Capitol. That’s why I’m elated to endorse Christina Stephenson to succeed Representative Greenlick in representing House District 33.

As the only small business owner seeking election in District 33, Christina brings real-world perspective to many of the issues important to rebuilding our economy in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. Christina firmly believes businesses that don’t play by the rules shouldn’t have a competitive advantage in this state, which is why she works not only to level the playing field for responsible businesses, but to also fight for tax code fairness in service of ensuring everyone pays their fair share.

In her position as a civil rights lawyer, Christina has made advocating for others her life’s work. Christina shares my longtime goal of improving access to government for all citizens of Washington County, particularly people of color. She’ll fight for fairness and demand inclusion.

Christina also has deep experience writing and passing laws in Oregon. In the State Legislature, Christina has helped lead the charge for fair scheduling, corporate accountability, enforcement of health and safety laws, and expanded workplace fairness rights.

As both a caretaker to a dying parent and a mother forced to return to work much too soon after the birth of her son, she has fought to ensure that Oregonians have access to sufficient bereavement and family leave. Her work helped to get paid family medical leave passed last session, the most progressive bill of its kind in the country. The current pandemic dramatically underscores the importance of paid family medical leave to provide economic stability and I know Christina will work to expand vital programs for working Oregonians.

Experiencing unstable economic conditions while growing up in Washington County inspired her passion for representing her neighbors in need. By volunteering for organizations that promote environmental, immigration, housing, and reproductive justice issues, and working to encourage others to do the same, Christina has proven her dedication to making her community a better place time and again. We can depend on her to help move Washington County forward! For ALL of us.

