Tears of Tomorrow: Mourning the Loss of a Hopeful Future

Kat Cant Think
Published in
3 min readJun 17, 2024


Everything is hopeless. The ice caps are melting, the economy is crashing, there is no future. Positivity has no place in our future. I go to school, and they ask me what I want to do when I graduate. I can’t pretend to not be embarrassed when I utter, I want to get a Bachelor of Arts. I can’t pretend I don’t see the concerned looks for my future, I can’t pretend that I don’t know my passion is a dying field. I was never much good at anything apart from writing, even my writing being mediocre. An A+ in English means nothing to the rest of the world, my quality of writing only decreasing as my previous hope escapes me. I had such dreams; I want to change the world. I want to challenge people’s thoughts, I want to share information, I want to connect. My middle-class parents try to support me, tell me my future is not hopeless. I love them, I admire them. My dad is an engineer, he loves it. I’ve always wanted to feel passionate about something like that, something that could lead to a prosperous job. I know I’m whining; I know I’m privileged. I am eternally grateful that I can at least try for my dream, but I can’t help but wish things were different. I wish we didn’t have to work a horrible job to survive. I don’t believe humans are evil, I don’t think anybody is evil. I think the system is horrible, help is only available to people who can pay for it, I think the system is set up shoddily and that it doesn’t respect the sanctity of life. I often sound communist in my belief, I think everyone should have equal amounts. I think anybody who is rich is doing the wrong thing, if you have the money spare to help there is no reason you shouldn’t be able to help. Rich people need to pay more tax, the government needs to care for its people, we all need to care about each other. I go to the mall I look around and I see love. I see strangers passing smiles to strangers as they walk past, I see people putting coins into a busker’s guitar case, I see people help people. That’s what humanity is, we are supposed to help people. We are loving, we are caring, we are good. We need to share this goodness, revive the belief that we are one people, we are a community, we are united. Look at how far we have come, from cavemen to skyscrapers, we have stood together throughout history, and we shall continue to do so, we have the power for change. We have the power to be good. Sadly, these words are merely a mimic. We’ve all heard that ‘together we are strong’ we listen, somewhat, and we do nothing. We don’t believe that something we can do can inspire change, so we do nothing. We complain, we agree everything is fucked, and we do nothing. Maybe sign a petition. I’m not doing anything better, somehow, I think writing might change things. Maybe the cries of the young will inspire change. It won’t, but what else can I be hopeful for?



Kat Cant Think

17 year old aspiring author and journalist. I do not believe in being concise, words are beautiful and I intend to use them.