Reverse Image Searching

Katie Smith
Katie’s Writing Space
2 min readFeb 27, 2023

This week in class we were asked a series of questions to determine how fast we can spot misinformation. We were given scenarios and asked to write something quickly about how we would react to it.

One thing through this week and the questions that really stuck with me was the option of reverse image search . Reverse image search is a content-based image retrieval query technique that involves providing the CBIR system with a sample image that it will then base its search upon.

Reverse image search can be extremely helpful, especially in a social media world where deep fakes are often used to get a rise out of people. In class we looked at the viral video of the man cooking rice. This was fairly easy to be proven as fake and a prank because a simple Google search including “man cooking rice” or “rice wave” will instantly show the picture in question.

Photo Credit: Mashable

This picture looks real, but after a quick Google search it is revealed that this man used glue and took some time to perfect this prank. However, a reverse image search could be used in this situation as well.

Another photo we looked at in class was the astronaut in space with the bag of cannabis. This one is quite shocking, but once again, a quick Google search can help us find the real image.

Photo Credit: Quora

This photo was photoshopped to look like this astronaut is sneakily sneaking a bag of weed into space, his whisper finger motion and smug look can lead many to believe it to be true. However, after seeing Easter eggs, it makes sense why his facial expressions are the way they are — he is hiding Easter eggs in space.

Deepfakes like this can seriously harm a person’s reputation, although viral photos like this it helps that it can easily be debunked. A reverse image search will quickly be able to prove that photos like this are not real.

It is vital that we are careful with the information we consume or see, knowing how to reverse image search can be beneficial to not only ourselves but others who are having their reputation at risk.



Katie Smith
Katie’s Writing Space

I am a senior Social Media & Digital Communication student at High Point University - here is my work for Digital Writing for Social Action class!