The Media & Bias

Katie Smith
Katie’s Writing Space
2 min readFeb 12, 2023

Bias in the modern-day media is very real and surrounds us on a daily basis. It is important to pay attention to where we get our information from. Whether you get your news from social media, television, or the newspaper — understanding who exactly is feeding the information to you is vital.

The Interactive Media Bias Chart gives a fairly clear representation of which way media outlets swing, and it is extremely helpful when understanding what news sources we should be taking with a grain of salt. However, the reality is, we all have our own biases. Confirmation bias is our tendency to pick information that confirms our existing beliefs or ideas. Confirmation bias can be conscious thoughts, but most times it is not. We are ingrained with our own opinions and ideas in our head and we are bound to have our own biases on certain topics or ideas.

Photo credit: Simply Psychology

It is important that we are aware of confirmation bias and what it is. To at least be aware of our own biases is the best we can do. But when it comes to news sources, there are people who align politically left and politically right that are less likely to skew away from their go-to news sources.

The most common debate between politically left and politically right is Fox News and CNN, with Fox being right and CNN being left. What many do not know is that some news sources they may consume regularly have their own biases without us realizing it.



Katie Smith
Katie’s Writing Space

I am a senior Social Media & Digital Communication student at High Point University - here is my work for Digital Writing for Social Action class!