Bihar Caste Census: The Global Strategy and India’s Caste Conundrum

Justice Markandey Katju
Justice Katju
Published in
2 min readOct 11, 2023

The Global Play

Developmental Impediments I have in my article below mentioned that the developed countries in the world do not want underdeveloped countries like India to join the ranks of the developed countries. Their resistance is fierce, as detailed in my prior write-up.

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Manipulating Divisions

A Strategic Move In an illuminating conversation with Moeed Pirzada, the prominent Pakistani journalist, I elaborated on how developed nations employ divisions — religion, caste, race, and so forth — to stymie the progression of underdeveloped countries. Such machinations often involve local collaborators, predominantly politicians from the targeted nations.

Link to Interview

Indian Politics

A Game of Caste and Religion Indian politics is significantly influenced by caste and communal vote banks. Politicians deftly manipulate these divisions, some emphasizing religion, others relying on caste dynamics.

Bihar Caste Census

A Hidden Agenda? The recent Bihar caste census, to me, appears as a manifestation of the developed nations’ strategy to keep India divided and regressive. The role of specific Indian politicians in this scheme, acting potentially as proxies for external interests, is disconcerting.

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A Double-Edged Sword? Soon, there might be intensified demands for increased reservations for OBCs and SCs, possibly coupled with provisions for Muslims — all in the name of securing votes. It is my belief, as laid out in a previous article, that such reservations may inadvertently harm SCs and OBCs more than they assist.

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Uniting for Progress

To genuinely tackle the pressing issues — rampant poverty, unemployment, child malnutrition, lack of proper healthcare and education — we, Indians, must rally together. A united, formidable people’s movement led by forward-thinking leaders is imperative. This unity must transcend the artificial divides of caste and religion.

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In Conclusion: The Call for Nationalism The Bihar caste census is not just a statistic — it’s an affront to our national identity. It’s high time every patriotic Indian recognizes and opposes such divisive strategies.



Justice Markandey Katju
Justice Katju

Former Supreme Court judge of India, known for his forthright views on legal, social, and political issues. Advocate for judicial reforms.