Israel-Hamas: The Inception of Hostilities

Justice Markandey Katju
Justice Katju
Published in
2 min readOct 12, 2023

Hostilities are ongoing between Israel and Hamas.

They started on the morning of 7th October with Hamas launching an attack called Al Aqsa Flood, firing 5000 rockets into Israeli territory.

Simultaneously, around 1,000 Palestinian militants infiltrated Israel from Gaza using various modes of transportation, surprising the Israeli population.

Sometime later, Israel retaliated with an assault on Gaza, causing significant civilian casualties and damage.

How does one interpret these events?

Many, especially from Western nations, point fingers solely at Hamas, branding them as savages and advocating for their elimination.

I argue that this viewpoint is overly reductive.

A proper grasp of the situation requires a dive into its historical roots.

This article and this one shed light on the genesis of Israel.

Some assert that Israel’s formation was crucial for providing Jews, who were persecuted by Nazis, a homeland.

However, these Nazi-driven atrocities were carried out by Europeans, not Arabs. Thus, why should Arabs face repercussions for European misdeeds?

In reality, Israel’s inception in the 20th century might be tied to the discovery of massive oil reserves in the Middle East, pivotal for Western industries.

Subsequently, Israel emerged as a military outpost for the West, ensuring oil flow, which resulted in the displacement and oppression of countless Palestinians.

Despite calls from several Western entities for the complete eradication of Palestinian Arabs, there’s a need to understand the root causes of Hamas’s aggression.

Decades of maltreatment of Palestinians by Israeli forces may have sowed the seeds for Hamas’s actions.

Newton’s third law highlights that every action prompts an opposing reaction. This principle also translates to socio-political scenarios, implying resistance sprouts from oppression.

This linked article further discusses this concept.

The 7th October Hamas-led attack on Israel bears a strategic resemblance to the 1968 Tet Offensive in South Vietnam, both catching their adversaries unaware.

While many denounce Hamas and view Gaza residents as lesser beings, it’s worth noting that any Hamas aggression might be a response to years of Palestinian suffering.

The Hamas members, aware of the perils of their mission, undertook it nonetheless, possibly fueled by years of pent-up anger and memories of Palestinian sufferings.

On the flip side, Israel’s ongoing response in Gaza, resulting in enormous civilian losses and deprivation, appears disproportional.

Here’s a detailed account of the situation.

Historically, prior to Israel’s establishment, the region was predominantly Arab-populated. Post-establishment, many fled or were forced out, and today, a significant number endure hardships in regions like Gaza.

Peace remains an illusion unless justice is meted out.

Western leaders and media, including President Biden, seem to have adopted a singular narrative, mainly implicating Hamas. However, understanding the entire context is vital for a holistic view.

This link offers a broader perspective.



Justice Markandey Katju
Justice Katju

Former Supreme Court judge of India, known for his forthright views on legal, social, and political issues. Advocate for judicial reforms.