In the Silence, Epilepsy in a Moment

Creative Nonfiction written about our youngest son, Epilepsy, and his love affair with our carpet; re-released for Epilepsy Awareness Month.

Kat Moody
Kat’s Cafe


Photo by author: Logan was around two years old and very happy after a physical therapy appointment. He was younger than this when he started having seizures and was diagnosed with Epilepsy. He’s 18 now.

Author’s Note:

This writing style was introduced to me as mosaic writing of non-fiction. It’s sometimes called a segmented essay, a braided essay, and sometimes just literary non-fiction.

Think of it as moments in time, like scenes in a movie or snapshots in a series. Each scene break is marked by a divider (which looks like three dots).

This was originally written over ten years ago when our youngest son’s seizures were at their worst. Logan is autistic and has epilepsy and cerebral palsy. He’s also got two rare disorders: Axenfeld-Rieger Syndrome and Miller-Dieker Syndrome.

I’ve edited it again for this re-release. It was originally published on my personal blog, Kat’s Cafe. The formatting on Medium makes it a little more spread out and might affect how it reads.

Trigger Warning: Even now, all these years later, my heart races while reading this piece. If you are triggered by reading highly emotional text about a child having a seizure or about emergencies, be kind to yourself and step away if it is too much.



Kat Moody
Kat’s Cafe

Wife. Mom. Writer. Advocate. Imperfect Christian. In our home: Autism, Epilepsy, Rare Disease & Awesomeness. Addicted to coffee. >>