Why do people love stones? How to skip rocks and find Zen.

Published in
4 min readJul 31, 2019
KATSU stones on the beach
KATSU stones on the beach

We think everybody had such an experience: «Walking along a stony beach you get one stone, one of that huge variety. Weigh it in your hand, feel its unique texture and admire its natural beauty». But then everyone had their own story. Someone put the stone in the pocket. A second threw the stone into water. A third skipped the stone. And each of us did all those things, but first we got a stone.

Why can’t we simply pass by? This question intrigued us when we noticed how many people love stones. What drives people to grab stones out of beaches in suitcases or even in their pockets? Have you ever behaved like that? We had.

We think we’ve found the answer — that is irresistible traction to the natural beauty, to the uniqueness and power of nature. That’s impossible to find 2 identical stones! Form, texture, weight, colors — nature creates all of that in a single copy. Perhaps, we see a mystery inside, that kind of mystery we don’t want to ruin. Every stone is a product of 4 element synergy: earth, water, fire, and air. Stones absorb solar and air energies, they are formed by water and winds, they consist of soil of their motherland. We can hardly guess how many magnificent sunrises and sunsets a single pebble has observed, and how many times it has been licked by sea waves. But we are sure that they keep particular life energy inside and each chosen stone is not accidental.

see pebble inspiration for Katsu stones
One of the sea pebbles that inspired us.

«When a child we went to a river to throw stones in water. We just picked a stone and threw: who farther, who nicer, who better. We trained a lot in stone-skipping and throwing stones without splashes — we called them divers. That was a simple game which was more like a Zen clarifying ritual. All that negativity, problems, and thoughts went away into water with stones. Fed up with throwing, we built castles or searched for the most unique and beautiful exemplars. After that, we went home with pockets overfilled with stones. While our parents secretly got rid of previous supplies. Much has changed since that time, but not love to stones.»

Ivan Kirilenko, a PR specialist in KATSU.

natural patterns inspiration for Katsu stones
Amazing patterns created by Nature.

Though people are becoming more technical creatures, we can’t exist without nature. And for some people stones are links to nature. We see in pebbles that natural beauty, we are lacking now. We wear them as accessories, we build houses from them, we are inspired by them creating interior designs. This is the way KATSU stones were born, but it’s another story. Perhaps, next time when you pick up a stone, you wonder what story stands behind its form, color, and texture. Where it has been before. And then you’ll do with it what your heart will tell you.

KATSU “White Nose” model

We’ve just told you how to find Zen in throwing stones, and now it’s time for stone-skipping manual. So, how do we do it?

First, we should find 3 or 5 stones since this art is thin and unpredictable. We are in search for flat stones, not extremely flat but near to a disk form.

Then, we should find a place:

  1. WARNING!!! Choose places without bathing people and animals! Be cautious about other people and wealth around you.
  2. Choose a place with still water, or with minimal flow and waves.
  3. Find lower bank — that will help you to reach the right angle.

Third is the technique:

  1. You should throw a stone with a minimal angle to the water. The stone should fly nearly parallel to water surface.

2. Throw the stone with power. You should use the whole body from legs to fingers like a pitcher in baseball. We will spin the stone into the trajectory.

3. Spin the stone with your fingers! That’ll make it fly confidently and quickly.

4. Practice more! That’s a game, but it still needs a skill.

5. WARNING again!!! Be cautious about other people around you.

Author’s try of stone-skipping — 14 skips=)

BTW, actual record in stone-skipping is 88 skips, it was set by Kurt Steiner. What is your personal record? Write in comments. Also, we suggest you taking part in our stone-skipping challenge! Try to make the most beautiful throw! Then share it in your Instagram with the tag #skipthestone.

