Configure Ledger Nano S For Use with Kava

Kevin Davis
2 min readDec 26, 2019


This guide will cover how to store KAVA using a Ledger Nano S hardware wallet and how to send transactions or delegate your KAVA from a Ledger device.

Install the Cosmos Ledger App

Kava is built using the cosmos-sdk, which means that it is compatible with other Cosmos chains right out of the box. To store KAVA with ledger, you can use the Cosmos ledger app directly. To install:

  1. Install Ledger Live

2. Enable developer mode

3. Install the Cosmos app (version 1.5.3)

Once you have the Cosmos app installed, you can add keys from ledger via the Kava CLI:

kvcli keys add <key-name> --account 0  --ledger

To send a transaction using ledger, just use the key name that you imported. For the example, assume the key is named test-key :

# Send 10 KAVA
kvcli tx send test-key kava1axxeus0kdk7qac0f6juqkzgpdsatyeajw60r4u 10000000ukava

To delegate using ledger:

# Delegate 10 KAVA
kvcli tx staking delegate kavavaloper1wu8m65vqazssv2rh8rthv532hzggfr3h9azwz9 10000000ukava --gas auto --gas-adjustment 1.5 --from test-key --chain-id kava-2

If you prefer to use a web wallet interface, you can transact with your Ledger using the Cosmostation Web Wallet.



Kevin Davis

I work on interledger and other cool tech in the blockchain and interoperability space for @kava-labs.