How to buy KAVA Coins on StellarPort

Minaz Vastani
Kava Coin
Published in
3 min readJun 28, 2018

Step 1: You first need to set up a Stellar wallet. You can either follow our tutorial below or watch this video.

1. Go to

Click SIGN UP on the upper right on the home page. You will see Login page like below where you can login using Private Key, KeyFile and Ledger.

2. Select the 2nd option “Generate New Key Pair” then click Next.

3. Click “Generate Key Pair” to show your public and secret keys. In this method, we will generate a keypair (public and secret keys). The secret key is EXTREMELY sensitive information. It is YOUR responsibility to store the secret key in a secure manner so that hackers can’t get to it. If a hacker does get to your secret key, they can empty your wallet. Make sure to copy down your public key and secret key in a safe location. When done, click next.

4. Login with your secret key.

5. This is the screen you will see once logged in.

6. You now need to ACTIVATE the wallet. In order to activate the wallet, you need to fund it with some initial XLM. There are two ways of doing that:

Option 1: Send some XLM to the wallet. If you use this method, you just need to send a payment to your wallet’s public address. Once the payment is received, the wallet will be activated. If using this method, deposit at least 3 XLM. For help go to

Option 2: Deposit BTC, ETH, XRP or LTC. If you use this method, a small amount of the BTC, ETH, XRP or LTC that you deposit will be converted to XLM first to activate the wallet (after which the rest of the deposited BTC, ETH, XRP or LTC is sent to the wallet). For help go to

Step 2: Add a trustline to your wallet so you can accept KAVA Coins.

1. Navigate to Balance tab and click the blue button “+Trustline” and search for KAVA in Asset Code.

2. Click on the verified option and then Finished. Now you have created a trustline for KAVA asset and you can buy/sell/receive KAVA tokens. For help go to

You can use this same address to receive Stellar Lumens(XLM), Kava (KAVA), or any other asset on stellar platform.

Step 3: Now you can trade KAVA Coins using StellarPort.

