“The Wait Is Over”

Kavvy Sonhos
Kavvysworld Blog
Published in
1 min readDec 19, 2014

Finally, I have come to a place in my life where I feel balanced enough to share my world with you… whether you are a woman seeking training and fashion tips or a man that is a supporter of my creative modeling work that I have been perfecting for over a decade..

I am happy and proud to launch an unique website that I believe will bring the world a little closer together.. I have an International Life filled with many different aspects.. all in which we can ALL come together in a place where hard work, ambition and inner strength can overcome any obstacle that may come your way to try and distract you from your goals and dreams.. I believe in any dream can come true if you NEVER give up and that is what Kavvysworld is about.. Being the best YOU that you can possibly be.. it is a life long journey of always improving yourself physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally.. Welcome….

