Top 10 Boulders in Joe’s Valley, Utah

Joe’s Valley Bouldering Guidebook

KAYA Guides


Photo by Three Peak Films

Joe’s Valley is a world-class sandstone bouldering destination in Emory County, Utah. We partnered with guidebook author and local legend Steven Jeffery and the Joe’s Valley Coalition to bring you the official Joe’s Valley Bouldering Guide! It comprehensively covers Left Fork, Right Fork, and New Joe’s with pertinent information for camping, access, amenities, and more.

Below you’ll find the top ten most popular problems in Joe’s!

Also- Check out the full Top 10 Popular Boulders in Joe’s Valley video on YouTube!

10. Vertical Ice V5, Dairy Canyon

Super nice vert problem that wanders up a gentle overhang. Start on the flat edge and mono.

9. Great White V6, Right Fork

Power-packed problem with a burly mantel (although much less burly after a chipping encounter in 2022 that left a new large edge on the top where there used to be just shallow indentations).

8. Bad Genes V3, New Joe’s

Start squatting on the block edge and head straight up the steep face on awesome sharp incut edges. Or just jump to the lip jug from the start holds.

7. Self Service V4, New Joe’s

Start sitting on the right hand dish and left on the hold just below the undercling. Serve up some long moves out to the lip with a big rock over for the top out.

6. Wills A Fire V6, Left Fork

Joe’s Valleys classic. A perfect problem for entry level highballs. Starts sitting on an undercling and fires straight up on perfect stone.

5. Chips (aka Chipped) V6, New Joe’s

Chips is an unfortunate victim of the Great Chiseling Catastrophe of the summer of ’22. Start squatting in the massive undercling feature then climb past the crimp on the face.

4. Planet of the Apes V7, New Joe’s

Start on the undercling and move to the crimp then make juice out of the rock, squeezing up the rail to a nasty mantel.

3. Pimpin’ Jeans V3, New Joe’s

Start on the same block edge as Bad Genes but head left on killer crimps and then make a long move to the lip and get ready for the mantel.

2. The Angler V2, Left Fork

It’s your Joe’s Valley photo keepsake shot. A delightful rail climb that gets right to the edge of the comfort zone. Start on the right-hand crimp edge at the bottom of the rail and the left-hand sidepull crimp a few feet higher up the rail.

1. Kill by Numbers V5, Left Fork

Start in the hueco with a long move out right. Ride the lip with your right hand while crimping with the left. Throw the high heel and rock over to the jug. A Joe’s Valley must do for all levels.

Find these classic problems and more in the Joe’s Valley Bouldering Guidebook on KAYA.

Photo by Three Peak Films

