Dogs of KAYAK

Jaime Walke
Life at KAYAK
Published in
4 min readSep 14, 2018

At KAYAK, we don’t just try to be an inspiring environment for humans. An integral part of our success is KAYAK’s Doggie Department, so we asked some of our em-paw-yees what they love most about working here.

Thanks to Meg, Visual Assets Specialist (Cambridge, MA)


There are so many things that I love about working at KAYAK. First there’s the fact that I get to ride in the car with my mom. She lets me stick my head out the window and monitor the traffic situation from the South Shore to Cambridge and boy do I love that.

At the office I love the unlimited dog treats, the countless head massages and the frequent naps I take on the cold concrete floor. My mom actually bought me a fluffy dog bed to go under her desk, but since I do what I want, I never use it!

Thanks to Georgina, HR Manager (Cambridge, MA)


Before my mom started bringing me to KAYAK, nobody talked to her. I’m the real reason people like HR.

JK … but it’s also kinda true.

Anyways, I love KAYAK. There’s this guy named Ko who lets me pick my favorite treats and I help him pick his favorite tea leaves. Then he gives me belly rubs. Teamwork at its best.

Thanks to Zach, System & Ops Manager (Stamford, CT)


What I love most about working at KAYAK is all my human friends. You can mostly find me sleeping on my dad’s desk, but sometimes he lets me roam and I get to spend time on other people’s desks!

If I’m awake, I get to join my dad in video conference meetings and catch up with other human friends from around the world. Ping pong balls are my favorite toy, and when deadlines are looming I love a good scratch behind my ears.

Thanks to Britton, Associate Programmatic Sales Manager (Cambridge, MA)


What I love most about working at KAYAK is all the humans. The nerd that takes care of me never gives me treats but the people here are so easy to win over… I just Search One and Done.

Thanks to Meg, Sr. Manager in Programmatic Sales & Operations (Cambridge, MA)


First order of business when I get into the office is to whine until someone comes over and plays with me. I want to play with Xander the most, but humans respond better to whining. I love all of the attention I get — more belly rubs, please!

There’s also an unlimited supply of peanut butter, which really keeps me going on long days.

Thanks to Jana, Office Manager (Berlin, Germany)


I’m the luckiest dog in the world. I have great humans around me all day in an awesome office with a great atmosphere right in the center of Berlin.

People give me so much love :-) If my co-workers are happy then I’m happy, and luckily that’s always the case!

Thanks to Anjali, Development Team Leader (Cambridge, MA)


My favorite thing about working at KAYAK is spending time with my mom and getting all the attention and scritches from my friendly human colleagues.

My days at KAYAK are hectic. There’s so much work to do — napping and eating treats and chasing all the bunnies and geese in the park outside the office. I’m surprised I get it all done.

Want to see these adorable faces every day? Well, we’ve made it possible to select one of KAYAK’s resident pets as your profile photo on our site:

Find them all in your KAYAK account area



Jaime Walke
Life at KAYAK

UX Copywriter, Content Strategist and Geordie, like.