Innovation Intelligence Review #60

AI: 1️⃣ Attitude To Detect Lies For Intelligence Processes; 2️⃣ Text To Code; 3️⃣ The Subtle Ethical Limit In Optimizing Choices In The…

alessandro rossi🧟‍♂️💭
6 min readOct 23, 2022


Image by Eu Clides on Instagram

This Week:


  • AI: 1️⃣ Attitude To Detect Lies For Intelligence Processes; 2️⃣ Text To Code; 3️⃣ The Subtle Ethical Limit In Optimizing Choices In The Healthcare Sector
  • Biotech: 1️⃣ DNA As A Hard Drive (In A Few Years); 2️⃣ Reproductive Technologies, 3 And More Genetic Parents; 3️⃣ US Bioeconomy Guidelines
  • Languages, Progressively Mutual Translator Model Among 200 Languages, The NLLB Project By Meta
  • Science, Publications And Publication Bias: A Vicious Circle That Perhaps Can Be Overcome
  • Shell Companies, US FinCEN Rules About Beneficial Owners


Essay 🧐, 1️⃣ Philanthrocapitalism And The Limits Of Bill Gates’ Approach; 2️⃣ The Monopolistic Abuse of the Inflationary Effect in the US Food Market

AI 1️⃣, the cost of intelligence processes, for public and private purposes, for uncovering lies at different stages of business and analysis proceedings is very high. AI can help: i this research the various supports in the analysis of interviews, videos and texts are analyzed and evaluated, with reference to the security clearence processes in the US federal gov applications, innovation 4 intelligence by Rand

AI 2, text2code means coding giving abstract instructions through voice or written concepts that are developed in code by AI: beyond production speed, saving in debug time and having alternative solutions available at no cost are the most important factors. The state of the art presents numerous solutions but the perspective is not that anyone can code but the elevation of the coder’s work from repetitiveness to conceptualization, innovation intelligence by IEEE Spectrum

AI 3️⃣, without reaching the limit, described at the beginning of the article, of the algorithm that evaluates the cognitive capacity of those who want to commit assisted suicide (where it is allowed), in such a way as to completely eliminate the influence of the third human component from the decision-making process , the ethical problem in health optimization processes is evident. The striking example is triage: the application of algorithms in the management of first aid is currently widely used to optimize time and resources but this does not remove the ethical problems of the choices made by AI when the cases are ambiguous (trolley problem and its applications ), ethical intelligence by MIT Tech Rev

Biotech 1️⃣ there will be a reason because nature has always been using DNA to store and transmit information. In fact, DNA is perfect in terms of storage space and cost of the raw material: even the problems of protecting the content do not seem insurmountable. The problems of practical use, for which we have to wait a few more years for commercial use, are the methodologies, and therefore the costs, of reading and writing, inovation intelligence by BBC Future

Biotech 2️⃣ is making great strides in general and that applied to the reproduction sector in particular. As usual, ethics always comes later and so we find ourselves with the defining problem, not only for legal purposes, of who can have three or more genetic parents, innovation intelligence by The Checkup

Biotech 3️⃣, a few days after the executive order of September 12, the White House intervened again and quickly in a sector, the bieconomy, which sees the US structurally and systemically in the background compared to China. The published fact sheet begins to outline quite clearly what the development guidelines could be, innovation intelligence

Languages, according to International World Stats about 64% of websites have content in English, whereas only about 26% of internet users speak English. This is a problem in general and, specifically, for Meta’s metaverse project, because within it the activity of verbal communication between avatars should be fundamental. Therefore, the company’s research laboratories are developing NLLB (No Language Left Behind) a project that plans, progressively, to articulate 40,000 reciprocal models of automatic translation between 200 different languages. Ambitious and useful, social intelligence by Meta

Science and credibility, science through publication bias is losing more and more credibility. The pandemic was the most significant example of this: scientific journals, and therefore the media, reported the most striking results, not the best studies. Consequently scientists, who for their C.V. need to publish, they have become like TikTokers and have invented everything to be accepted by the magazines, which have preferred the titles to the controls. There are solutions, they are called ‘registered reports’, and The Royal Society is trying one type: it is about accepting research (based on pre-established standards) before it produces the results and regardless of what it will produce, science intelligence by The Royal Society

Shell companies, FinCEN, at the beginning of the month, published the new rules concerning the beneficial owners reporting for the various corporate forms provided for in the US: they will go into effect from 2024, economic intelligence

SOCMINT, 3 the aims of the project HIATUS of IARPA: a) to attribute the authorship of a writing based on the style; b) modify the style without modifying the meaning, in practice how to obviate the tools developed by a); c) have a tool that explains the result produced by a) (therefore also by b)), to be followed in the development, SOCMINT by IARPA



alessandro rossi🧟‍♂️💭

Innovation Intelligence Analyst| Meditator Zombie| Hikikomori White-Haired| Digital Borderline| Has A Black Hole Under The Pillow| A Bad Product Of💜Venezia🦁