Innovation Intelligence Review #62

AI: 1️⃣ A Creative New World By Sequoia, 2️⃣ Attack Methodologies for Manipulating Machine Learning-Crypto ATM: 1️⃣ Brazil And Tether…

alessandro rossi🧟‍♂️💭
5 min readNov 7, 2022


This Week:


  • AI: 1️⃣ A Creative New World By Sequoia, 2️⃣ Attack Methodologies for Manipulating Machine Learning
  • Crypto ATM: 1️⃣ Brazil And Tether Stablecoin, 2️⃣ Spain And Rest Of The World
  • Geoeconomics: 1️⃣ Scenario Of The Effects Of US Technology Sanctions On China, 2️⃣ New Online Gov Thematic Site On US Chips Policies, 3️⃣ State of Commerce 2022 And Impact of Emerging Technologies
  • Intelligence, How AI Can Be Useful For Intelligence Analysis
  • OSINT, New Internet Storical Archive
  • Robot, Self-Driving Cars, After Investments For $100 Billion Where Are We?


  • Essay 🧐, A Communication Mess By CIA
  • Funny 🙂, A Tunnel To The Antipodes

AI 1️⃣, unmissable analysis of Sequoia on the sector of ‘generative AI’, that is when the algorithms go from being used only for analysis to being also used to create (music, video, images, text, code …) something new from the analysis, innovation intelligence by Sequoia

AI 2️⃣, I have already faced the problem that attacks on machine learning processes are mainly of a manipulative nature, and therefore the cybersec sector must focus, all other factors being equal, on this new problem. The reported post explains the effects that these attacks can have on the credibility of the outputs, cybersec intelligence by Cory Doctorow

Crypto ATM 1️⃣, Smart Pay is a Brazilian company specializing in payment services for the unbanked, which in Brazil are 34 million adults. It has 24,000 ATMs in the territory and has announced that it has made an agreement with Tether, the most traded stablecoin on the market, to make the cryptocurrency available in its payment circuit. The repetition of the concept of how much cryptocurrencies are useful, if not decisive, in certain contexts is boring, payments intelligence

Crypto ATM 2️⃣, Spain is the third country in the world, and first in Europe, for number (217) of crypto ATMs present on its territory, thanks to an innovative vision of those in charge of authorizations, payments intelligence

Geoeconomics 1️⃣, the first fact is the new heavy US sanctions on high-tech semiconductors (more or less chips) imposed by the US on China on 12 October. The second fact is that in the past such policies have worked, albeit for limited areas: for example, Huawei and the effects of sanctions aimed at it. The new facts could be that the Chinese reaction this time could be different than the almost passive one of the past: the country cannot do without high-tech chips. This will cause a quick finalization of Chinese production processes to overcome the gap and reach self-sufficiency, which is what Xi announced at the 20th Congress. It is necessary to see how rapid the reaction will be: considering the Chinese technological structure, and similar paradigms that occurred in the past not due to sanctions but due to the appearance of new technological processes, sanctions are certainly useful in the short term but, in the medium, perhaps they are not a good idea. Furthermore, considering the US / China trade in high-tech final products, some consideration on the overall impact would have been useful, innovation intelligence

Geoeconomics 2️⃣, new US Department of Commerce website dedicated to national semiconductor policies, innovation intelligence by DoC

Geoeconomics 3️⃣, for the second year The Economist publishes a report, based on interviews with professionals, on the state of international trade following systemic impacts. Last year the impact factor was the pandemic, this year the economic recovery based on the effects of the pandemic. Within the report, a section is dedicated to digital commerce, considering that in the world 63% of companies declare that they use digital platforms to sell or buy goods. The section shows, by geographical area, the current and expected adoption rates with regard to the main emerging technologies, innovation intelligence by The Economist

Intelligence, in this extract from Amy Zegart’s book ‘Spies, Lies and Algorithms’ (Princeton University Press) the problem of replacing or evolving the figure of the intelligence analyst through the use of new technologies is addressed. With a strategic vision of the intelligence cycle, a path that is not without pitfalls is envisaged, intelligence analysis by New Humanist

OSINT, based on the Internet Archive, a group of programmers, led by Jason Scott digital archivist, has made available a search engine, in continuous implementation, where files of any kind from 1980 to 2020 are available. Older files, or with no longer formats usable, are progressively re-optimized and made accessible, OSINT by DiscMaster

Robot, Self-Driving Cars, after investments for $100 billion, six years of hypothetical services available (Where? Mah) and twenty years of promises, perhaps the entire framework of self-driving cars is to be reviewed. Typical example of possible innovation but impossible within the promised times because the technological (hw, sw, com) and social conditions do not allow it, innovation intelligence by Bloomberg



alessandro rossi🧟‍♂️💭

Innovation Intelligence Analyst| Meditator Zombie| Hikikomori White-Haired| Digital Borderline| Has A Black Hole Under The Pillow| A Bad Product Of💜Venezia🦁