Innovation Intelligence Review #65

AI: EU And AI Civil Liability: The Usual Mess-CBDC General Analysis About Adoption In Africa-China Truth and Lies about the Social Credit…

alessandro rossi🧟‍♂️💭
5 min readNov 27, 2022


This Week:



  • EU And AI Civil Liability: The Usual Mess


  • General Analysis About Adoption In Africa


  • Truth and Lies about the Social Credit System


  • The Thermocline Metaphor And Customer Trust


  • Cryptocurrency Regulation Tracker
  • Proof-Of-Solvency, The Vitalik Buterin’s Idea
  • The Abuse of Sanctions To Tornado Cash, The Opinion of Edward Snowden

Emotions Of The Nations

  • Global Emotions Report 2022


  • The End of ZEDEs, The Economic Enclaves For Investments In Honduras

Illicit Trade

  • Why do people buy illegal goods?


Essay 🧐

  • The Great Progression, 2025–2050
  • The Mystery Of The Disappearance Of 11 Billion Snow Crabs And Scientific Credibility


The bill of early October on the civil liability of AI is, as usual when the EU has to legislate in new technologies, displeasing everyone. On the one hand, there is co-responsibility of developers, producers and customers in the event of presumed damage: this, according to the AI lobbies, could slow down development; on the other hand, it is up to the consumer to demonstrate damage and negligence: in addition to the skills needed by the individual to do so, consumer representatives underline the difficulty of demonstrating any discrimination. Usually it takes about two years for a bill to become law and it is the EU’s intention to insert this bill into the general framework of the AI Act which will have to regulate the entire sector: we hope that the missing time will be well used, innovation intelligence


BIS carries out an analysis of the predisposition to the adoption of the CBDCs with the various African central banks. Few have projects in place but many have a positive predisposition for the tool: concerns and hopes, however, are very different from those that characterize the intent of developed countries, payments intelligence by BIS


The SoCS, China’s Social Credit System, exists but its articulation and use is very different from the myth of the big brother’s pervasive tool generated by Western propaganda. The real application perimeters and the results of the use tests can be read on the BoC website and verified through independent third parties, social intelligence by Meric


In this analysis, the thermocline is used to indicate the level below which customer trust (for products, brands, people…) is irretrievably lost, economic intelligence by Every


The Cryptocurrency Regulation Tracker is a useful online tool to monitor the 25 main government regulations (G20 + 5 countries with a high rate of adoption) on the crypto world, crypto intelligence by Atlantic Council

Proof-Of-Solvency, Vitalik Buterin explains how, in his opinion, the problem of the insolvency risk of CEX (Centralized Exchanger) could be solved in a decentralized environment, crypto intelligence

Three months ago, the US DoT banned the Tornado Cash mixer exchanger, also prohibiting its use by US citizens. Not only that: he also had one of the developers arrested in the Netherlands. Undoubtedly the intelligence of the DoT has produced irrefutable evidence on the use of the tool for laundering but the operation and its consequences have been a globally recognized abuse: it is aberrant to prohibit a technology if it is also used for illegal purposes, and even more prosecute whoever developed it, because you don’t have the means and the rules that allow you to supervise it. On the merits Edward Snowden expresses his opinion in a video, crypto intelligence

Emotions Of The Nations

The Global Emotions Report has been published by Gallup since 2006 and covers 126 countries. It is a hard task because Gallup tries to measure the mood of nations through the perception of the emotions, positive and negative, of those who live there. It is a singular report, also in terms of results, because it helps a lot to understand the reality behind the economic, technological and social numbers, social intelligence by Gallup


In 2013, Honduras undertook an interesting social economic experiment: to attract investments, in a development area of the ZEEs (Zona Económica Especial), it set up the ZEDEs (Zonas de Empleo y Desarrollo). For their initialisation, the constitution was changed as they were configured as enclaves within the territory where investors, within the limits outlined by reason and by law, could manage taxes, the police and the administrative system as they wished. The experiment, which also saw an expression of the cryptoeconomy, attracted enough capital but also caused problems of internal geoeconomic nature between enclaves and neighboring territories. The new government that took office this year has abolished them as of 2023, geoeconomics by Rest of World

Illicit Trade

Analysis of illicit trade through the point of view of consumers, therefore because, and which are, in the various countries the reasons that induce people to feed illicit trade, economic intelligence by The Economist Impact



alessandro rossi🧟‍♂️💭

Innovation Intelligence Analyst| Meditator Zombie| Hikikomori White-Haired| Digital Borderline| Has A Black Hole Under The Pillow| A Bad Product Of💜Venezia🦁