The Paris Agreement and its Potential Impact on Our Planet

Kayla Anderson
Air Pollution Around the World
2 min readNov 1, 2017

The framework set in place to improve the global atmospheric quality.

The Paris Agreement is an international policy agreement with the objective to mobilize climate and improve worldwide air quality. This ambition to mitigate environmental issues through intergovernmental relations opens positive outlooks to most countries around the world.

The Paris Agreement is essentially an agreement with the endeavors to hinder the planet’s rising temperature levels to under 2° Celsius (above pre-industrial levels), preferably making an effort to remain below 1.5°C. High emissions from Carbon Dioxide and greenhouse gasses pollute our Earth’s atmosphere and have, in recent years, rapidly increased our Earth’s temperature levels.

The United States decision to withdraw from this agreement is a huge error in the protection of the environment. The power we hold as a country reflects the influence we have on global conclusions and agreements. Our involvement could acutely increase Paris Climate Agreement’s agility on environmental progression. These moves could regress the air pollution that has left an already severely deleterious mark on the Earth’s atmosphere. This agreement is a step in the right direction, but the U.S.’s involvement and connection to the global economy will greatly increase the capability for our atmosphere to improve itself, that will allow humans to thrive on this planet for many years ahead.

Although some may argue that The Paris Agreement has flaws, the agreement represents something truly great. The fact that every single country on this planet has signed to this international policy (all but Syria and The United States) leaves an enormous and extremely significant accomplishment in our Earth’s history and climate quality. These 175 nations and their individual participation in the agreement is a pure demonstration of our world’s overall vigorous effort to help climate change.


  • Rajamani, Lavanya. “AMBITION AND DIFFERENTIATION IN THE 2015 PARIS AGREEMENT: INTERPRETATIVE POSSIBILITIES AND UNDERLYING POLITICS.” International and Comparative Law Quarterly, vol. 65, no. 2, 2016, pp. 493–514., doi:10.1017/S0020589316000130.
  • ROBERT FALKNER; The Paris Agreement and the new logic of international climate politics, International Affairs, Volume 92, Issue 5, 1 September 2016, Pages 1107–1125,
  • Hale, Thomas. ““All hands on deck”: The Paris agreement and nonstate climate action.” Global Environmental Politics (2016).
  • Rogelj, Joeri, et al. “Paris Agreement climate proposals need a boost to keep warming well below 2 C.” Nature 534.7609 (2016): 631–639.
  • “List of Parties That Signed the Paris Agreement on 22 April.” United Nations, United Nations,

