Oh the Places You’ll Go with Green and Yellow notifications..

Kayla Montgomery
2 min readSep 29, 2020

On a normal, I am on my phone for about 7 hours. That large amount of time is mostly sent on social networking platforms and especially Snapchat. Of my 99 daily average pickups, I see that I have about an average of 18 pickups a day relating to snapchat, which sent me 141 notifications during the week. I knew Snapchat sends me a lot of notifications right alone with my messaging app because I used snapchat to text just as much as the messaging app.

I use the chat features a lot on snapchat just because if I decide to communicate with someone who I am not particularly close with, I choose to do it through snapchat rather than giving them my personal phone number. I also use it for sending random pictures or just posting random things because many of my friends are on the app.

Although Snapchat is my most used app, the Messages app gives me the most notifications. I believe this is because even though I do text a lot on the messaging app, I recent a lot of alerts from different organizations through the messaging app such as stores alerting me of a sale they’re having or credit card alerts and things of that nature.

In conclusion, Snapchat is definitely the most used app on my phone. But it does not send me more notifications than the Messaging app. However, I believe I text on both equally, but I do not give out my snapchat to organizations for updates from them. I wonder how to things could play out if stores start sending alerts to my snapchat…



Kayla Montgomery

My name is Kayla Montgomery and I am a current senior at Central Michigan University.