Kayla O'Rourke
Improving Self-Management
2 min readMar 9, 2018


Kayla O’Rourke

Skill Hacking Blog #1

The specific skill I am researching for this project is self-management. I am interested in this specific skill because I have always struggled with it and it is a very important skill to have. I have a tendency to procrastinate and not use my full potential. Researching this skill will teach me how to eliminate procrastination and demonstrate my skills to the best of my ability. Knowing how to manage your time, set goals, increase motivation, etc. will help you get the best outcomes and you’ll be the most productive you can be.

A specific goal I plan on achieving in this project is to diminish procrastination and improve my efficiency. The steps I plan to take to achieve this goal is to research ways that are most beneficial and will practice these skills to see if there is a change in the way I manage myself. I am going to plan out my weeks ahead of time so that I know how much time I have to accomplish my goals for that specific week. I am going to get a head start of all of my assignments so that I am able to complete them with time to spare to relieve my stress. I will be using the available resources to improve my work ethic and be as productive and efficient as possible.

I can see these changes by noticing how much work I am able to accomplish early so that I can relieve stress by not leaving for the last minute and procrastinating. I will be able to notice these changes by also seeing how my grades will go up and I will be learning how to get better at managing myself by balancing all of my work and extra-curricular activities effectively

