Kayla O'Rourke
Improving Self-Management
2 min readMar 11, 2018


Skill Hacking Blog #3

After realizing I could still improve the way I manage myself, I tried a few different things to see which worked the best for me. One thing I did to practice this skill was that I made a schedule for the week with what I would work on each day and when. I was managing my time to accomplish all of the work I had to do. With my last post, I struggled still because I just tried to get as much help as I could and spend as much time as I was able to in the library. This wasn’t ideal because I didn’t take into account the amount of other activities I had going on. I was only focused on my school work when there are also other things to take care of as well.

So, this time, I included all of the other tasks I had to do on the schedule to make sure I had enough time for them too. This helped me improve my time management because I knew how much time I had to study, do homework, go to my professors for help, etc. between my other activities.

After practicing this new technique, I noticed an even bigger change than the last time. I was able to get everything I needed done with even less stress because I planned everything out well. I was able to notice these improvements because I felt less stressed and my test grades increased. I was proud of what I had accomplished and I felt a huge sense of relief. My thinking has changed because I now know that time management is a huge factor in self-management and I will continue to pursue this skill and try to even further advance my management.

The next time I practice this skill, I am going to try doing work with a friend because I felt like when I was struggling with one of my classes, another person’s insight would’ve helped as well. It’s always easier figuring things out when there are other’s opinions being said so for next time, I am going to try studying at the library with someone else so we can figure things out together and improve our scores.

