Kayla O'Rourke
Improving Self-Management
2 min readMar 11, 2018


Skill Hacking Blog #4

For this blog, I practiced studying with another student so that we can help each other with any questions we had. Having someone else’s insights on a particular subject was really beneficial in helping me have a greater understanding of that subject. I have continued to manage my time with creating a schedule ahead of time so that I know what I have in store for me within the next few days. This skill has helped so much that I can now focus on other aspects in improving self-management.

To practice the skill of working with other students, we set up times that would work for us to get together and study. We reserved rooms in the library so that we were still able to talk without being distracted by others. We were able to answer each other’s questions and it improved our productivity. I was able to notice because we were able to come to conclusions together and we would benefit from hearing more than one idea. I developed a better understanding and was able to hear other ideas that I wouldn’t have thought of. On the test that I studied with another student for, there were questions that I wouldn’t have been able to answer if I hadn’t studied with her because she helped me understand the topics I was struggling with better.

My thinking has changed because I always liked studying alone since there were less distractions. I always thought that I did my best work when I worked alone, but after studying with my friend, my test grade went up and I was very satisfied with how I handled it. I realized I can benefit from working with others if I do it the right way by staying focused the whole time and not get distracted. To continue practicing this skill, I am going to make sure I plan a day in advance that works for both of us to study together so that if we still have questions neither of us can answer, we will have time to get help to increase our understanding.


