Kayla O'Rourke
Improving Self-Management
2 min readMar 11, 2018


Skill Hacking Blog #5

To get further insight on self-management, I was researching other blogs when I came across a blog called “Self-Management vs. Time management: What you need to know”, by Patricia Thompson. Her blog grabbed my attention when under the title she wrote “Want to be more productive? Apply these 5 techniques.”. The main part of my research was how to learn how to manage myself so that I could be as productive as possible.

The main point of this blog was to understand the difference between managing yourself and managing your time and then learning how to manage them. Thompson states that it is pretty much impossible to manage time because everyone has the same amount of time in a day, and you can’t get back the time that had already passed and you can’t get extra time either. Although you can’t control the time we have, you can manage how you handle it by focusing on yourself.

The first technique she discusses is to “Get Crystal Clear” which means to set specific goals that need to be achieved. It is easier to accomplish these clear goals when you know “what you want to do, how you want to do it, and when you’re going to do it”. She describes that it is useful to plan your day/week in advance but make your schedule reasonable and realistic. The second technique discussed is “Be Extremely Flexible”. She explains that it is always okay to change and adjust the schedule you have planned if needed. The third technique is “Avoid Task Hopping”. She explains that you should put all of your attention on one task at a time and get rid of all distractions. She states, “when you focus on a single task, you’re able to give it your best effort”. This will ensure the best outcomes. The fourth step is “Make Deadlines Your Friend”. This means that you should set your own deadlines and follow them strictly to make sure you get them all done on time. The last technique is “Take Time for Self-Care”. Thompson write that it is important to focus on yourself and take care of yourself. She states, “Get adequate sleep, take breaks, eat a balanced diet, and exercise”. Your health is very important and should be a top priority and once you’re healthy, it will be easier to focus on your work and be as productive as possible.

