Kayla O'Rourke
Improving Self-Management
2 min readMar 11, 2018


Skill Hacking Blog #6

I was looking through the skill hacking blog list and read some of the other students’ blogs. I was interested in a few of them but the one that I felt related to my topic the best, was Jiaxing Chen’s blog. The blog that I read of his was titled “Anti-Procrastination Strategies in Self-Management”. His blog was very insightful and I learned many things from it.

Jiaxing Chen had described in great detail the steps to take when dealing with tasks so that you can avoid procrastinating. I was very interested in reading this blog because I tend to procrastinate so I was able to learn new things from him.

He explained that breaking big assignments up into smaller tasks makes it easier to accomplish it. He discusses that he always wrote down everything he had to do in his calendar in advance but it made him overwhelmed. He wrote, “I usually feel that there were too many things to do and it seemed like I was running out of time by looking at those incoming dates, which set a lot of pressure on me”.

He was able to fix this problem by creating smaller tasks to accomplish at different times so it was easier to finish the assignments. “When I start to break tasks down into smaller sub-tasks, I found it was easier to keep going”. Breaking down deadlines makes it less overwhelming. You’ll be able to accomplish more if you focus on one thing at a time and give it all of your attention rather than waiting to do it all at once. It relieves stress and you’ll have more time to focus on other things as well. I learned a lot from reading his blog posts and found it very helpful in how to manage myself and my time.

care of y+{��

