Enhancing Android App Quality with Static Code Analysis

Kayvan Kaseb
Software Development
6 min readApr 24, 2023
The picture is provided by Unsplash

As you know, software bugs can cause a significant loss of time and resources for developers and software companies. Numerous researches and studies worldwide have been proved this claim. Thus, some accredited companies use Static Code Analysis tools in addition to Test and Code Review processes. In fact, Static Code Analysis plays a crucial role in Android development, and Lint is one of the most widely used static code analysis tool. By identifying and resolving issues over the early stages of development, Lint ensures that the final application is delivered on time and with exceptional quality. The focus of this article is on Static Code Analysis and highlights the importance of using Lint as a crucial tool for enhancing the quality of Android apps.

Introduction and Overview

As a matter of fact, Static Code Analysis refers to the process of analyzing computer software without executing the programs, in contrast to dynamic analysis that evaluates programs while they are running. This approach focuses on detecting vulnerabilities and functional errors in software that is either deployed or about to be deployed. Static Code Analysis is typically conducted before the software testing phase commences. Increasingly, these tools are being integrated into the Integrated Development Environment (IDE). Utilizing such tools over the software development phase is an effective method within the development lifecycle, particularly for identifying the types of problems that can be detected during the code development phase. This approach enables developers to receive immediate feedback on any issues they may be introducing into the code during its development, as opposed to discovering vulnerabilities much later in the development cycle.

Essentially, there are several methods available to analyze static source code for potential vulnerabilities, which can be combined into a single solution. Many of these techniques are derived from compiler technologies. One such technique is data flow analysis, which involves gathering information about data in software while it is in a static state. By using this approach, you can be able to track how data flows through the software code, from its origin to its destination. Moreover, the Control Flow Graph (CFG) is an abstract graph representation of software, where nodes depict basic blocks and directed edges illustrate the jumps or paths between these blocks. An entry block has only an exit edge, whereas an exit block has only an entry edge. Taint analysis is another technique that aims to detect variables that have been contaminated with user-controlled input and trace them to potential vulnerable functions, called “sinks”. In Lexical Analysis approach, the syntax of source code is transformed into discrete “tokens” of information with the goal of abstracting the source code and facilitating its manipulation.

Moreover, this process plays a vital role in Android development, where the development cycle moves at a fast pace, and codebases tend to become increasingly large and intricate in most cases. To address this issue in Android development efficiently, Lint is a static code scanning tool available in Android Studio that enables developers to identify and fix structural code issues without the need to run the application or create test cases.

Boosting Android app quality with Lint

Apart from creating tests to make sure the functional requirements of your Android app, it is equally crucial to run your code through the Lint tool. This tool helps in identifying structural issues in your code, which can impact the efficiency and reliability of your app and make your code difficult to maintain. It is highly recommended by Google that you tackle any issues detected by the Lint tool before publishing your Android app. For instance, unused namespaces in XML resource files can get unnecessary space and result in redundant processing. Furthermore, using deprecated elements or API calls that are incompatible with the target API versions, might lead to code failing to run correctly. So, Lint can help you clean up these matters in your code easily.

When developing an Android project, the Lint tool is used to scan the source files for possible bugs and optimizations to improve correctness, security, performance, usability, accessibility, and internationalization. While using Android Studio, the lint and IDE inspections are set to run over app building. Nevertheless, you have the option to manually initiate inspections or execute lint from the command line.

The Lint tool workflow, the picture is provided by Google resources

Also, this tool reports every issue it detects with a severity level and a message describing the problem. This helps you prioritize the necessary improvements that need to be made.

Basically, the whole process of lint can be defined in three steps:

  1. Creating lint.xml file
  2. Selecting the source code for performing analysis by Lint (.java/.kt/XML file)
  3. Checking for bugs and suggesting some improvements

Finally, you can have an opportunity to add annotations to your code to enhance the performance of Lint process.

Configuring the Lint file in your application

In fact, the lint.xml file is a configuration file, which allows you to customize the severity levels of problems detected by lint checks and exclude any specific checks that you do not want to run. When you are creating this file manually, you should place it in the root directory of your Android project. This XML file includes an enclosing <lint> parent tag that consists of one or more children <issue> elements. Lint defines a unique id attribute value for every <issue> element. For example: The IconMissingDensityFolder check has been completely disabled, while the ObsoleteLayoutParam check has been disabled only for the files specified in the enclosed <ignore … /> declarations.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<issue id="IconMissingDensityFolder" severity="ignore" />

<issue id="ObsoleteLayoutParam">
<ignore path="res/layout/activation.xml" />
<ignore path="res/layout-xlarge/activation.xml" />

<issue id="HardcodedText" severity="error" />

This is achieved through the use of the lint.xml configuration file that allows you to specify which lint checks should be excluded and to customize the severity levels of detected issues.

In addition, to disable lint checking, in particular for a class or method in your Android project, you can add the @SuppressLint annotation to that code.

To configure specific lint options, you can also use the lint{} block in your build.gradle file, like the checks to run or ignore.

The main benefits of using Lint in Android development

  1. Improving app quality: with Lint, Android developers can identify and resolve issues early in the development cycle. Thus, you can make sure the final project has the superior quality.
  2. Enhancing your knowledge in programming: By utilizing this tool, you can broaden your programming knowledge and adhere to best-practices for optimizing your code.
  3. Saving your time: obviously, manual code reviews can be time-consuming for developers. However, automated tools are considerably faster as they pinpoint the precise location of bugs in the code.

In conclusion

Nowadays, many reputable companies integrate Static Code Analysis tools alongside Test and Code Review processes, particularly over the design and implementation of Android applications. The primary objective is to identify possible vulnerabilities, such as bugs and security flaws in Android development’s source code. Also, Static Code Analysis is a critical tool in the Android development process, and Lint is a prominent static code analysis tool as well. The primary objective is to identify possible vulnerabilities such as bugs and security flaws in Android development’s source code. The focus of this essay was on Static Code Analysis and highlights the importance of using Lint as a crucial tool for enhancing the quality of Android apps based on Google documents and resources.



Kayvan Kaseb
Software Development

Senior Android Developer, Technical Writer, Researcher, Artist, Founder of PURE SOFTWARE YAZILIM LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ https://www.linkedin.com/in/kayvan-kaseb