Slaying the Complexity Dragon: Building Manageable Software

Kayvan Kaseb
Software Development
5 min readApr 12, 2024
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The world of software development is a balancing act. On one hand, we strive for programs that solve complicated problems with advanced solutions. This inherent complexity is unavoidable. On the other hand, our development choices can sometimes unintentionally create additional challenges, resulting in what we call accidental complexity. This essay will explore some key concepts in software development by handling complexity.


Software development is inherently complex. Besides, this can impact every stage of the development process. The process involves intricate systems, diverse user needs, and ever-changing technologies, all of which pose challenges for developers. In fact, there are two sources of complexity: essential complexity, which is unavoidable due to the problem being solved, and accidental complexity, which arises from development choices. By navigating complexity effectively, developers can build software that is robust, maintainable, and meets user expectations.

Forget the silver bullet — software development is more about steady progress than a one-shot wonder.

However, there is no single magic solution (Silver Bullet) that will dramatically improve software development in areas like productivity, reliability, or simplicity within a short timeframe. In addition, we cannot expect ever to observe two-fold gains every two years in software development as, as there is in hardware development (Moore’s law).

Essential Complexity: The Inherent Challenge

Imagine building a real-time inventory management system. Keeping track of stock levels across multiple locations, handling incoming and outgoing shipments, and ensuring accurate data for purchase orders all contribute to the main complexity of this application. These are fundamental aspects of the problem you are trying to solve. Essential complexity exists in different software domains. Building a weather forecasting app needs complex algorithms to manage diverse weather patterns. A robust financial trading platform requires to consider real-time market fluctuations and complex risk models. These complexities are part of the problem’s core nature.

Accidental Complexity: The Unintended Complications

While essential complexity is a given, we can often create unnecessary roadblocks through accidental complexity. This can take many forms:

  • Overly Complicated Code: Nested logic structures, excessive abstractions, and a lack of modularity can make code difficult to understand and maintain. For example, a developer creates a single class (often called a “God Object”) that tries to do everything. This class might handle user authentication, data access, business logic, and UI updates all at once. The code within this class becomes massive, difficult to understand, and nearly impossible to maintain or test effectively. To solve this problem, you should break down the functionalities of the God Object into smaller, well-defined classes with specific responsibilities create separate classes for user authentication logic, data access layer, business logic for specific functionalities, and UI components responsible for displaying information.
  • Reinventing the Wheel: Building custom solutions for functionalities already addressed by well-established libraries and frameworks adds unnecessary code and maintenance overhead. For instance, an Android developer spends weeks building a custom solution for image loading and caching functionality within the app. However, he/she can leverage existing libraries and frameworks for common functionalities. This saves development time, diminishes code duplication, and benefits from the ongoing maintenance of established libraries.
  • Poor User Interface Design: Confusing designs, messy interfaces, and difficulty in usability can really frustrate users. For example, an e-commerce app checkout process has an unintuitive layout, unclear button labels, and hidden error messages. This frustrates users and hinders completion of purchases. So, you should prioritize a clean and user-friendly interface. Use clear and concise labels, provide immediate feedback to users, like highlighting missing fields, and follow design best-practices for a smooth user experience.

The consequences of accidental complexity are far-reaching. Complex code is difficult to maintain and update, hindering progress. Bugs become more likely to happen, which can makes the system less reliable. Coding and innovating becomes slower as developers deal with complex code.

Strategies to Slay the Accidental Complexity Dragon

Basically, the battle against accidental complexity demands a multi-pronged approach:

  • Prioritize Core Functionalities: Focus on building code that directly addresses the essential complexity of the problem. Avoid getting stuck in unnecessary features or over-engineering solutions.
  • Embrace Simplicity: Strive for clean, well-structured code that is easy to read and understand. Use clear variable names and comments to enhance maintainability.
  • Leverage Existing Solutions: Do not hesitate to utilize established libraries and frameworks that offer well-tested and maintained solutions for common functionalities. Nevertheless, overengineered frameworks can add more complexity than they relieve.

Many frameworks and vendor “solutions” are the symptoms of the accidental. complexity disease. Frameworks that solve specific problems are useful. Overengineered frameworks add more complexity than they relieve.

  • Modular Design is King: Break down complex functionalities into smaller, independent modules or components. This promotes easier maintenance and greater flexibility as the application evolves.
  • Refactoring is our Constant Companion: Continuously review and improve your codebase. Refactoring helps to reduce complexity, improve maintainability, and keep your code clean over time.
  • Your Code is Your Organizational Culture: Conway’s Law states that the structure of a communication system, like a software development team is reflected in the design of the system it creates (the software itself). In other words, how a team works together impacts the software they build. In fact, Conway’s Law highlights the importance of communication and collaboration in software development. By encouraging a positive team environment, developers can create more maintainable and well-designed software.

Organizations which design systems (in the broad sense used here) are constrained to produce designs which are copies of the communication structures of these organizations.

— Melvin E. Conway, How Do Committees Invent?

Note: Conway’s Law is an observation, not a strict rule. It highlights the significance of communication and collaboration in software development, but other factors also influence the final product.

Focus on What Matters: Essential Complexity Management

While essential complexity is unavoidable, we can manage it effectively.

  • Identify Core User Needs: Clearly define the essential functionalities that users absolutely need from the software.
  • Prioritize ruthlessly: Not every feature request deserves implementation. Focus on the most critical features that address core user needs and have the courage to say no to less important ones.
  • Break Down the Beast: Divide complex functionalities into smaller, more manageable components. This makes development easier and allows for a more focused approach to addressing essential complexity.

In Conclusion

Managing complexity is vital for successful software development. By following some principles, we can develop software that addresses real-world problems without falling into the traps of accidental complexity. The outcome is robust, easy-to-maintain, and flexible software that enhances user capabilities and promotes sustained success in the dynamic field of software development.



Kayvan Kaseb
Software Development

Senior Android Developer, Technical Writer, Researcher, Artist, Founder of PURE SOFTWARE YAZILIM LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ