The Crucial Role of Business Domain in Software Architecture

Kayvan Kaseb
Software Development
5 min readApr 17, 2024
The picture is provided by Unsplash

Initially, an effective software architect is like a bridge between the technical world and the business world. Even though technical expertise is essential, understanding the business domain is equally important. By understanding the specific needs and trends of the industry, architects can choose the right architectural approach, design for future adaptability, and prioritize features that deliver real value to the business. This article will discuss the role of business domain in software architecture.


As you know, a software architecture acts as a blueprint that defines the overall structure of the software system. It determines the system’s components, their functionalities, interfaces, and interactions with each other. This blueprint guides developers in building a cohesive and functional software application. Furthermore, great software architects need to understand the business they are building software for. This is because without that knowledge, it would be difficult to design a system that meets the actual needs of the business. Imagine a skilled developer who can write complex code but does not grasp the bigger picture of the business problem. They might build a technically impressive system, however, it could miss the mark entirely because it does not address the core needs of the business. Architects in the construction field need to understand the purpose of a building, such as residential or office. They cannot just focus on technical aspects, like using the strongest materials without considering the functionality and layout required by the occupants. Similarly, software architects require to understand the “business purpose” of the software they are building to create a truly valuable solution.

Effective software architects understand not only technology but also the business domain of a problem space. Without business domain knowledge, it is difficult to understand the business problem, goals, and requirements, and therefore difficult to design an effective architecture to meet the requirements of the business.

Architects Act as Translators

Translation is key. Architects take business problems, goals, and requirements and turn them into technical solutions (architecture). In fact, the architect bridges the gap between two “languages”. They need to understand the business language spoken by stakeholders (executives, users) which focuses on problems, goals, and high-level needs. On the other hand, they require to be fluent in the technical language to express these requirements as a software architecture using components, interfaces, and technologies. Besides, the translation is not always a straightforward one-to-one mapping. The architect requires to interpret the business requirements, identify potential challenges or restrictions, and propose alternative technical solutions that best align with the business goals. This translation process often involves collaboration with stakeholders. The architect might ask clarifying questions, propose different options, and get feedbacks to ensure the final architecture truly reflects the business needs in practice.

Architects do not just design buildings! They translate business goals into technical solutions, acting like a bridge between different languages.

Right Tool for the Job

Basically, domain knowledge impacts choices. It is like choosing the right tool for the job. A carpenter would not use a hammer to drill holes, and similarly, a software architect would not choose a monolithic architecture for a complex financial trading system that requires real-time processing. For instance, when you compare Content Management System (CMS) with Online Banking System, in CMS, managing different types of content (text, images, videos) and user access control are significant. A layered architecture with a clear separation of presentation, business logic, and data access layers (Separation of Concerns) might be suitable. However, in Online Banking, security and data integrity are paramount. A domain-driven design (DDD) approach that emphasizes modeling core banking concepts could be an appropriate choice for building a secure and reliable architecture. Also, many business domains have established architectural patterns that have proven successful over time. Therefore, understanding the business domain allows the architect to weigh these trade-offs and choose the architecture that best aligns with the specific needs.

You can’t have your cake and eat it too.

In software architecture design, achieving all desirable qualities simultaneously is unrealistic, and architects must prioritize and make trade-offs.

Building for Tomorrow, not Just Today

Knowing the business domain provides a deep understanding of current and future needs. It means this knowledge allows them to design a system that addresses not only the current needs but also has the potential to evolve alongside the business. When building a house, you might consider pre-wiring the house for future features, like a security system or home automation. Similarly, a software architect, by understanding industry trends, can “pre-wire” the software architecture to manage potential future needs. In practice, it is impossible to predict the future perfectly, but by understanding industry trends, architects can make decisions today that will allow the system to adapt to future changes more easily. For example, designing an insurance system with a well-defined API layer could make it easier to integrate future services like on-demand car insurance, even if it’s not offered today. The primary goal is to design an architecture that is flexible and modular. This allows new features or functionalities to be added without having to completely overhaul the whole system.

Software architects are not fortune tellers, but understanding the business and industry trends helps them “pre-wire” the system for future needs. Think flexible and adaptable!

Focus on Value, not Just Functionality

Not all features are created equal. Technical decisions should be driven by the value they bring to the business. In software development, a feature or functionality is considered valuable if it meets the needs of the users and contributes to the overall success of the software. Remember, it is not just about features; it is about building something that truly moves the needle. So, you should prioritize functionalities that deliver the most significant value to the users or the business. This might involve using techniques, such as cost-benefit analysis or user feedback to specify which features to prioritize. In addition, the goals of the business should influence the architecture. If a company is focused on online sales, the architect should prioritize high availability to avoid website downtime. As a result, knowing the business domain allows architects to prioritize features and functionalities that will have the most significant impact on achieving business objectives.

Shiny features do not win! Software architects focus on functionalities that deliver real value to users and businesses.

In Conclusion

As a matter of fact, a software architect’s understanding of the business domain is not just a plus, it is a primary requirement for success. This knowledge empowers them to translate business goals and challenges into effective technical solutions. By understanding the specific needs and trends of the industry, architects can choose the right architectural approach, design for future adaptability, and prioritize features that deliver real value to the business. Ultimately, software architects who bridge the gap between technology and business are the ones who create software solutions that are not only well-built, but also contribute directly to the success of the organization.



Kayvan Kaseb
Software Development

Senior Android Developer, Technical Writer, Researcher, Artist, Founder of PURE SOFTWARE YAZILIM LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ