Future Proof — Kaze’s Foundation for the Collaborative World

Kaze Blockchain Solutions
7 min readAug 24, 2018

“Why do we need a blockchain anyway?”

The question has been repeated over and over again among skeptics of decentralization. And to be sure — not every business and not every sphere of our lives requires a transition to blockchain.

But — one fundamental truth remains: the world as we know it is smaller and more connected than ever before.

And that means that people are able to do more together than ever before.

In short — the world today is more collaborative, more fluid and more intertwined than it has ever been in history.

International companies no longer rely on suppliers just within their home country. Mothers no longer rely on babysitters just among their close friends and relatives. Programmers and developers don’t have to be in the same room — or even be in the same company — in order to work together successfully on a project.

Collaboration and cooperation are the name of the game. And that’s exactly what Kaze is built for.

In this post we explore why Kaze is “future-proof” — in other words why it is exactly the right technology, at the right time, for today’s ever-changing world.

One fundamental requirement of today’s digital world is speed.

If you think about it, the world as we know it has been accelerating at increasingly high speeds for the past 100+ years.

We moved from horse-drawn carriages to cars — and then to speedsters and vehicles that no longer even need a driver! The first computers took hours on end to compute even the simplest of programs. Soon the world will see the advent of 5G mobile data.

Yes, things are speeding up. Why?

It’s not as if someone, somewhere in the clouds was pressing a button and demanding that everything move faster. No — that is simply the nature of how humans work and interact.

With every new person born into the world, there is new potential, new ideas and new dreams brought into being — and one more connection added to the world wide web of individuals.

That means that the connections between those individuals has to keep up.

With Kaze, we understand this to be a fundamental requirement and we have made it a fundamental part of the foundation of what we are building.

The Kaze blockchain has been tested and has achieved speeds and throughputs of up to 12,000 per second and is being developed to be faster and faster.

Are we bragging? No….

We simply believe that in order to enable the kind of applications that are truly decentralised and truly collaborative, the technology behind them must move at the speed of today’s world.

If the cellular networks are moving towards 5G (and beyond) then blockchain has to move above and beyond the speeds that have so far been acceptable. This is a basic requirement. Period.

There is a second reason that speed is important. Like any new and fundamentally ground-breaking technology — blockchain is the subject of much discussion and not a little controversy.

As long as it remains in its present state of infancy, blockchain will always be “out in the open.” It will remain clunky, hard to integrate, unable to meet the user experience expectations of the vast majority of users. As such, it will always be the subject of discussion.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if the day came when blockchain ran in the background — so smoothly, so swiftly and so well — that no one felt the need to talk about it anymore? Programs and applications just simply worked.

That’s what we want to achieve with Kaze.

One of the most revolutionary trends that has developed since the dawn of the internet is the consumption of free content online — by people of all ages, all over the world. It is not an overstatement to say that this kind of access has forever changed the habits and expectations of consumers.

That will not change in the future. What people once paid for — even without thinking twice about it — they will come to expect for (almost) free once they have such an opportunity.

The same goes for blockchain.

We feel strongly that using blockchain to enable many new and exciting possibilities shouldn’t be limited by prohibitive fees. For us, collaboration and creativity shouldn’t be held back by cost. If blockchains and applications using blockchains were reserved only for those who could afford to shell out loads of money for fees, we would be right back to the Dark Ages where lords and ladies of great wealth ruled the world.

If you think back to the days of exploration, hundreds of years ago, when courageous men and women left their homes and sailed across the Atlantic (and Pacific) in search of new possibilities — ask yourself the question: “How much did they pay to use the wind that propelled them to the New World?”

Did they pay for every kilometre that they travelled? No… The wind was free. They paid a certain price in time and effort to harness it, but the wind itself was completely free.

Kaze (Japanese: wind) follows the same philosophy.

And when we look to the future, it is clear that the technologies which stick to this philosophy will prosper. Just like in the case of the internet, once people get a taste of using a fast, “free” blockchain, they will never want to go back.

We’re ready to provide just that.

The future is collaborative — we’ve already established that fact.

What it also means is that the world of blockchains will be collaborative — and connected. Up to now, each blockchain has grown and developed in its own little walled garden.

That’s just fine — for a while.

But the time is coming when the development of the ecosystem will require those walled gardens to open their gates and allow movement from one to the other.

Many are currently working on solutions to make this new level of interoperability possible, including building solutions for atomic swaps.

At Kaze we know and believe that this is the future of blockchain. After all, we’re stronger together, right?

That’s why Kaze is ready for a world of interoperable blockchains. And has been since its inception.

This can be broken down into two parts:

  1. Cross-chain assets exchange protocol

The cross-chain assets exchange protocol been extended on the existing double-stranded atomic assets exchange protocols to allow multiple participants to exchange assets across different chains and to ensure that all steps in the entire transaction process succeed or fail together.

In order to achieve this function, we use the KazeContract function to create a contract account for each participant. If other blockchains are not compatible with Kaze Contract, they can be compatible with Kaze cross-chain interoperability as long as they can provide simple smart contract functionality.

2. Cross-chain distributed transaction protocol

Cross-chain distributed transactions mean that multiple steps of a transaction are scattered across different blockchains and that the consistency of the entire transaction is ensured. This is an extension of cross-chain assets exchange, extending the behavior of assets exchange into arbitrary behavior.

Future-proof means standing ready to help usher in the next wave of innovation.

When it comes to interoperability — we say “BRING IT ON!”

But if we truly believe in an interconnected, interoperable world of value transfer powered by blockchain, we also know that not everyone likes this idea.

Some people will always look for opportunities to destroy anything that gets too big, too good and too disruptive. And technology may make this a very real possibility soon.

Quantum computing — while a great advancement from the scientific point of view — poses a threat to the safety and security that binds blockchains together.

We know this is coming…even though at this point it is more like a ghost in the fog — a distant (or maybe not) potential threat.

But there is no reason to fear — Kaze is quantum-resistant.

Many cryptographic mechanisms rely on RSA and ECC to secure transactions. Both of these, however, are able to be deciphered by quantum computers.

Meanwhile, Kaze is equipped with a latticed-based mechanism using SVP (shortest vector problem) and CVP (closest vector problem) which are not capable of being solved by a quantum computer.


The future is a puzzle that often hard to piece together. We at Kaze know that much may change over the next few years. But that’s okay. Kaze is built on “kaizen” philosophy, which in Japanese means “continuous improvement”. We will continue to move and innovate as the world around us changes.

We have deliberately chosen to build Kaze with the future in mind — as much as we can determine of it today.

As we move forward day by day, we will surely discover more new “twists and turns” around the corner.

But for now we believe Kaze offers a solid foundation to build upon. With speed, low fees, atomic swap readiness and quantum resistance, we have a future-proof bridge to help carry forward the dreams and ideas that are waiting to be built.

Do you believe in the power of Kaze like we do?

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Kaze Blockchain Solutions

A secure, scalable and collaborative ecosystem for blockchain applications