The Legend of Kaze — Building a Secure, Swiss Blockchain

Kaze Blockchain Solutions
7 min readAug 15, 2018

Blockchain is mysterious — a technology with a magical force to unite people, build communities and create value far beyond the sum of its individual parts.

And that’s the way it should be.

This driving force, born of unknown genius, has already pushed the barriers of what many thought possible. But its true power will be unleashed when it lives up to the mystery that it is. In other words, blockchain will become truly great when it becomes even more invisible than it is already.

This means that it has to be molded into applications, wrapped around them just like the underlying protocols of the internet — delivering speed and security that can keep up with the pace of all the things that people want to do with it.

In other words, blockchain needs to become like the wind: an invisible force that can be used to go anywhere and do anything.

Out of this vision, the idea of Kaze (Japanese: wind) was born.

For us, it was only natural that this should be our goal: to harness the invisible power of blockchain in order to propel a world of collaboration — at the speed of real life.

Here is the story (or legend) of how Kaze came to life.

The game of life

In the very beginning, we really just wanted to do something together. We wanted to create something that would allow people to work together to reach a common goal. We actually wanted to build a sophisticated game that would allow users to collaborate in real time.

To do this, we wanted a blockchain that was strong and secure and could handle the rapid pace of transactions as events occurred in various situations.

Games — at least the best ones — can be unpredictable; that’s what makes them exciting and engaging. Especially real-life, role playing games can take many twists and turns with unexpected outcomes and new possibilities around every corner — just like in real life, actually.

In one sense, you could say that we needed a blockchain that would move with the speed of real life.

Just like in real life, games often accelerate and expand depending on the number of users. Sometimes there may be just one or two — other times two teams compete against each other with each side having 5 or more players. It all depends.

This, of course, creates scaling issues that are sometimes difficult to predict. But for a blockchain-powered game to be successful, it must take into account — this rise and fall in usage. If players get bogged down even one time in the process — you can say good-bye pretty quickly!

Our founder Moe Sayadi had been dabbling in various blockchain projects while at the same time working in a large corporation where blockchain was being explored. By 2015–2016 things had started to pick up in the crypto world — but not everywhere.

Frustrated by the inefficiencies of the enterprise environment and the limitations of current blockchains, Moe decided that the only way to push forward and find a solution for the problem of real-life collaboration based on blockchain was to build one.

In October 2017 Kaze was born — and the “game” was afoot!

The Kaze Mantra

Out of our disappointment and frustration with existing blockchains, we developed our vision for what a blockchain should be — and it has become the mantra by which we live.

At its core — Kaze stands on four pillars:

  • Speed
  • Collaboration
  • Openness
  • Reliability

By this we mean:

We believe that blockchain should move at the speed of real life. As we’ve explained, this means throughput at significantly higher rates than that of most blockchains known today and one that continues to build up speed.

But let us be clear — speed is often associated with poor quality or a lack of attention to detail. And we do not accept that combination. For us, delivering blockchain at top speeds must also be combined with complete security and stability.

What does stability mean? It means reliability and strength. It means something that people can depend on. For us, a blockchain that can achieve a high level of throughput — much higher than other blockchains — is no good unless it can maintain that level constantly. This is stability. And it goes hand in hand with our focus on collaboration — the essence of what Kaze is and what it will be used for.

There may be many generic features of a blockchain which capture the imagination of people around the world — but more than anything else, it is the ability of blockchain to allow people to share ideas, share data, work together on projects without knowing or even actually trusting each other, that makes it unique.

We have built Kaze to enable exactly that. Just like the game we set out to make in the beginning, life is full of opportunities for people to do good things — together. That may be things they enjoy, things they hope and dream about — things they can’t do on their own.

With a blockchain that not only works fast — but is stable and reliable — collaboration (on any scale) is possible.

Of course, collaboration means different people coming together to work on a common goal — and this leads us to the issue of diversity.

We don’t just believe in diversity as a principle — we believe in it because we experience it.

Check the photo below — how many countries do you think are represented here? Notice anything else diverse here?

Part of the Kaze team — a testament to the power of diversity.

Yes — blockchain makes diversity a strength and we feel this in our own team. And we want Kaze to empower even more of that.

Most people in this space know that blockchain technology enables radical transparency. But we think there are different levels of openness. There is a layer which is inherent in most blockchains being used today, a layer which is linked to the technology itself.

But on a higher level, openness and transparency are enabled or “activated” when people know beyond a shadow of a doubt that they can trust and rely on the tool they are using.

Think of it like this: would you feel comfortable driving at a speed 180 kilometres per hour if you knew that the car you were driving was known to break down suddenly?


We know that people can and will go places together if they trust each other and they trust the tools they are working with. That’s what we want Kaze to be — the silent, invisible force that brings people together and helps them open up to new things, new horizons and new opportunities.

Like many in the blockchain space, our team is very international. But we have common identity — and that is Swiss.

Our core team lives and operates in Switzerland’s Crypto Valley — one of the world’s hotbeds for crypto and blockchain projects.

Why are we here?

Not because everyone else is. We are here because of our values — speed, stability, collaboration and openness. These are, in fact, the very qualities that make Switzerland what it is.

We find here a living reflection of what Kaze is and what we want it to be for those who use it: a system that works, with speed and stability and where people collaborate together despite barriers of language and culture.

These are the qualities that Switzerland has been known for over the centuries — and they are the qualities that make Kaze what it is.

The legend of Kaze is just beginning and we invite you to be part of it — to add your part to the force of the wind that pushes the world forward and makes all things possible.

Do you believe in the power of Kaze like we do?

Join the ranks of our Kaze Kaizens — a special, elite group of supporters with special privileges and special missions.

“Answer the call” on our Telegram chat here!

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Kaze Blockchain Solutions

A secure, scalable and collaborative ecosystem for blockchain applications