Increase your Productivity with the Pomodoro Technique

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2 min readNov 11, 2017

The Pomodoro Technique has been around since the 90’s, but I heard about it for the first time this morning. It resonated with me not only because I am constantly trying to find a way to be more productive, but because it actually makes sense. For those of you who, like myself, aren’t or weren’t familiar with this process, let me explain.

Basically, a man named Francesco Cirillo came up with the idea that in order to be more productive in your day to day work, you must schedule time for specific tasks that need to be done, and take breaks either during the task or before and after. Your focus and productivity would not only be better in that moment/day, but it would increase the longer you practiced the technique. The key is that you tackle your work, then take a breather; maybe grab a coffee or a snack. Then, after regaining some ambition while clearing your head, you get back to it.

I think the key ingredient here is that you actually follow the steps and set a timer. After 25 minutes of straight concentration, you leave your desk (why would anyone wants to sit in the same spot for 8 hours per day anyway?), and get some fresh air. Move around. Get centered.

In order for this to be more effective, you need to be aware of distractions. Your emails, cell phone, co workers — they all qualify. Being firm and sticking with your time limits will ensure that you get the best work out in the time you’ve set for yourself. You shouldn’t feel rushed; rather, you should feel charged with energy. Remember — after that short amount of time, you can clear your head for a few minutes.

I decided that today I would put the Pomodoro Technique to the test. Here is the takeaway from my experience: I downloaded the app “Be Focused” on my Macbook and the timer was already set for 25 minutes. I started it and began my first task of the day. I could see the clock ticking down right on the toolbar on my computer which was helpful. At the end of the day, I found this to be very helpful in keeping my attention focused and I actually did increase my work output and efficiency. Taking 5 minutes to regain my composure and let my mind wander a bit made it easier to dive back in. I encourage you to try it out!

Follow the link below for additional suggestions and options for timer applications, and good luck on your path to a more productive life!

Henry, Alan. “Productivity 101: A Primer to The Pomodoro Technique.” Lifehacker. 7/2/14. 11/1/17.



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