Transparency is Changing the World (and the Service Marketplace)

Published in
2 min readNov 3, 2017

We used to live in a world where we all we had was people’s words. If you said you did something, we would have had to trust our better judgement whether or not to believe you. While this has slowly evolved over the past few decades, we are reaching an inflection point in consumer transparency.

The advancements in automation, introduction of blockchain technology, as well as the development of more sophisticated applications, is quickly changing the way individuals and business operate. Early adopters are experiencing the benefits of increased transparency and as demand for these products grow, they will increasingly shift the normalities of everyday life.

Getting things done in the traditional model was a complicated process by nature.

Take a painting job for example:

What did you need to do in the past to find someone to paint your house?

  1. Start researching painting companies
  2. Ask around for recommendations
  3. Start calling painters and getting rates
  4. Call references
  5. Have them come to the house to give you quotes (if they even show up!)
  6. Play phone tag to work out all of the details
  7. Finally have them start and hope they do a good job

This process is a complete pain! Even with the internet and the ability to find companies, you don’t always know the quality of what you are getting. With the introduction of platforms that connect independent contractors and freelancers with jobs, the majority of these steps are completely eliminated.

In addition to saving time, communication is enhanced and reliability is rewarded. Both customers and service providers pride themselves in their reviews, leading to quality control on both sides. When providers receive positive ratings, it helps them get future work. Transparency and accountability in the workplace is good for everyone!



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